Opinion – What has Geingob to do with the stolen millions?

Home National Opinion – What has Geingob to do with the stolen millions?
Opinion –  What has Geingob to do with the stolen millions?

Martin Thomas

I follow the news – not only in Namibia but also events taking place in the discourse of justice elsewhere. 

The recent news of the alleged stolen millions from the South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Phala Phala farm in 2020 made me realise there is a war that raged against the persona of Dr Hage Geingob. 

I have equally realised that some personalities, authors and politicians are the ones deliberately waging a personal vendetta against Dr Hage Gottfried Geingob, President of Swapo and head of state of Namibia.

How many times did these authors and or media houses try without any success to bring down a real statesman, an honest and open leader in the person of Dr Hage Geingob? 

Whenever there is a corruption case, his name is mentioned; however, in all these instances, it has never been proven affirmative in any court of law. 

Why are all these antagonists not investigating all these allegations and proving to the Namibia nation that indeed Geingob is corrupt? 

Publish information backed by facts. 

Otherwise, you are just playing cat and mouse with your readers. 

Fellow Namibian folks, the latest incident of the millions stolen from the Phala Phala farm is an occurrence that took place in another country in 2020. 


What common justification do we see when reading this story between the lines? 

I, for one, regard the issue of attaching our President to this scandal as silly, politically motivated and unfounded. 


What proof can all these authors alike bring to the fore?


And then you guys go on and say that since the two heads of state are constantly in communication, Dr Geingob assisted his counterpart with the arrest. 

Tell me, did they talk about that over the phone, and were they overheard by someone? 

 Who is that someone? 

Can the person tell the nation the verbatim exchange of the discussion? 

Come on, does it really make any common sense, or are we here underestimating the intelligence of such highly regarded politicians? Proof proof proof!


Secondly, in this case not under investigation? 

And if so, why not wait until the verdict is announced by the judicial agents of the two countries? 

The presumption of innocence means a person is innocent until proven guilty. 

In other words, no person can be considered guilty of a crime until he or she has been found guilty of that crime by a court. 


Is this notion of demanding that a person is guilty of a specific offence being deliberately drawn out of proportion to meet the aspirations of those I would call liars, counting on unfounded statements to justify their cases? 

Or should I ask why some of you always try to underestimate the intelligence of Namibians? 

You may confuse some but not all of us. 

And certainly, you do not need a legal brain to comprehend this reality.

Let me tell you all. 

Dr Geingob has a clean track record when it comes to fighting corruption. 

As a human being, his character traits talk for themselves. 

Since the years of exile then, back in Namibia, as chairperson of the Constituent Assembly, as the first prime minister of the country, minister of trade – and ultimately as President of our country, Geingob demonstrated he is a true statesman. 

I challenge anybody in this country to tell the nation when and where Geingob committed any corruption. 

Bring forth proof of any such allegations or else you are all fabricators or liars, who want to bring down an innocent and excellent leader.

I do and will always come back and challenge you. 

According to a paradigmatic analysis of lying, as set out by philosophers such as St. Augustine (354–430 ce), “lies are statements that the speaker believes to be false and that is intended to cause the person toward whom they are directed to accept them as true”.

Challenge me, please! Where is your proof? 

Aluta Continua!