
Nadine the songbird

Home National Nadine the songbird
Nadine the songbird

 Maria Haipinge


Windhoek-born and raised Nadine Rautenbach turned down an offer from a record label in the USA, Midar International, to remain in Namibia and give us her best.

A regular at the popular Song Night event, the 30-year-old is comfortable and compatible with singing any type of music. She thus covers various artists’ songs of her liking to promote her vocal abilities as she does not have original music of her own. 

“What’s great about music is that it enables me to play around with my voice,” she told VIBEZ!

Queried further over why she turned down the record label, Rautenbach said she was there for a while, but did not plan to stay there. 

She focuses on House and R&B genres, explaining that with House, she tries to improvise with the latest trends, and R&B “has its own special way which arouses different feelings”.

Passionate about singing from childhood and in
church, Rautenbach has since graced manifold stages
in front of many kinds of audiences, and regularly
partakes in karaoke competitions, which she has won countless times.

Her performances at Song Night, a lounge opening and a wedding ceremony mark some of her greatest experiences as a musician.

A great inspiration has been her father, whom she said has always believed in her potential. 

Rautenbach admires Lize Ehlers, a local multifaceted artist and founder of Song Night.

“She (Ehlers) helps local artists grow, and it’s really an inspiration seeing her work, how passionate she is when people sing, and how she motivates them,” she added. 

Internationally, Rautenbach finds inspiration from various artists, but one of her favourites is the soulful John Legend.

Asked what makes her stand out, she said apart from being committed and passionate about her craft, music is something “I live myself in”. 

But all the confidence she exudes now took time to unearth, having experienced stage fright in the past. Consistently performing in front of people indeed
helped her overcome that fear.

“I just realised that I’ve grown so much confidence through music, and I’ve learned to socialise more. I’ve become more of an extrovert. Music has blossomed me as an individual. I get lost in the music, and I don’t even see the people around me.”

Like many young and talented virtuosos, Rautenbach has many aspirations, one of which is to become a recognised artist, and be signed to a record label locally. 

“My future goals would be to make my own music. I’d love to travel the world and allow people to experience me as an artist. And I’d really love my music career to move forward.”

Rautenbach’s likes are not limited to music. She
balances her lifestyle with other activities such as
travelling, keeping fit, enjoying the outdoors and nature, reading and spending time with family and friends,
and overall – having a good time.

This independent artist is available to sing at any function she is booked for, and can be reached on: 0813916776 rnadinehilden@yahoo.com.
