
MTC asks for 5G moratorium removal

Home National MTC asks for 5G moratorium removal
MTC asks for 5G moratorium removal

Edgar Brandt

MTC has pleaded with government to lift a moratorium on the use of 5G technology, emphasising that 5G is a prerequisite for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

Government placed a moratorium on 5G technology, and in 2020 embarked on the development of a national strategy for the technology that combines faster data transfer speeds and heightened processing power to enable the internet of things (IoT) connectivity on a massive scale. 

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is a description of blurring boundaries between the physical, digital and biological worlds. It’s a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, IoT, 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing and other technologies.

Speaking at a tripartite agreement signing last week between Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC), the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) and Huawei, MTC spokesperson Tim Ekandjo emphasised the importance of 5G for the 4IR. 

“As we embrace and drive research and innovation, we are pleased that as a country, we have completed an impactful 4IR conference that kick-starts Namibia’s exciting journey on the 4IR. It is important that a conducive policy framework is in place to stimulate participation rather than inhibiting it,” he said. 

He continued: “We must note that 5G is a fundamental platform for the 4IR because it is not just another G on the path of mobile technology evolution. 5G combines greater data transfer speeds and heightened processing power to enable IoT connectivity on a massive scale. It will have a significant impact on every aspect of our digital lives. With 5G comes high data rates, reduced latency, energy savings, cost reductions and higher system changes.” 

Ekandjo added that almost every African country has embraced 5G technology, and is enjoying its benefits. 

“Sadly, we still have a moratorium on 5G in Namibia, and it is rather unfortunate that a country that has always been first in rolling out such technologies has now become the last due to conspiracy theories that have never made sense in the first place. We are thus asking the leadership to lift the moratorium on 5G and allow its citizens to enjoy the benefits of the technology, like the rest of the world. We cannot talk about 4IR in the absence of 5G.”

Rabid conspiracy theorists blamed 5G technology for the outbreak of the coronavirus, while others blamed the technological advancement for spreading cancer as well as for governments to apparently control its people.

Meanwhile, the tripartite agreement signed last week will be used to promote research, innovation, technological and entrepreneurial excellence and internationalisation. 

In addition, the cooperation will focus on professional development; curriculum co-development; student placement for research and in-service training; student excursions and field attachments to promote professional development and capacity-building; funding; technology research and development and co-creation; e-Learning enabled by 4IR technologies; service delivery and commercialisation; cybersecurity, cloud computing and data warehousing.

At the signing, NUST vice chancellor Erold Naomab emphasised that the three entities will combine resources to accelerate the objectives of the cooperation.

“We are proud to extend our partnership with MTC to Huawei, under the framework of Smart Campus Initiative (SCI). As partners, we are all committed to pool resources, expertise and networks to improve competitiveness through trans-disciplinary research, co-creation and co-development, and application and transfer of specialised knowledge and technology, aligned with NUST’s signature programme. We are very fortunate to benefit through this partnership from the ICT Academy, a school-enterprise cooperation project that involves higher education institutions to help build that talent ecosystem that meets industry requirements, providing high-quality candidates for industry development. NUST is dedicated to use technology responsibly in addressing the needs of this nation through long-term sustainable solutions,” added Naomab. 

At the signing, Huawei’s managing director David Yu said: “One of our roles in this collaboration is not only to educate the students, but also to train the staff. When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT tools and platforms, it leads to higher order thinking skills, providing creative options for students to express their understanding, and leave students better-prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace. We hope for a long-lasting relationship between NUST, MTC and Huawei.  As giants in the industry, may we only continue to make positive contributions to the ICT industry.”

Photo: 5G