
Opinion – Tribute to the late Matti Mwandingi

Home National Opinion – Tribute to the late Matti Mwandingi
Opinion –  Tribute to the late Matti Mwandingi

Willem Amutenya 


I was shocked when I learned that Matti Mwandingi is no more. It sounded surreal.

I have known Mwandingi since our student years at the University of Namibia by then a law student. 

In 2009, while I was the SRC for Academic Affairs of the ‘Way Forward I’, under the leadership of Dr Job Shipululo Amupanda (then SRC president), Mwandingi was an active member and player of Onesi Soccer Club and the Unam soccer team. 

He was among the ordinary students who were very close to the affairs of our regime. 

Towards the end of our tenure, student politics was at play to strategise for the succession regime of the ‘Way Forward I’, well-engineered by the likes of Amupanda, Nicky Katapa Mutenda, Mathew Haitota, Paa Paulus Andreky, Elifas Iyambula, Sebastian Immanuel and others. 

The focus was to attain an incoming regime that is conscious, with a clear understanding of the Way Forward.

Mwandingi rose through and became the chairperson of Onesi Soccer Club and SRC for sports, and myself as SRC president in 2010.

Mwandingi was one of the bright legal minds of our regime, the Way Forward II. 

His legal introspection on issues was top notch, with his calm and well-calculated approach and intervention. 

I vividly recall the lively, long and exciting debates of our council. 

Mwandingi would use his legal terminologies to confuse the house but surely get challenged by the similar legal minds of Lydia Nghipandulwa, John Pinto, Naffy Halweendo and Stephanie De Klerk, while the elder brother John Haufiku would always play the brotherhood role. 

His political boys, Steven Nangolo and Natangwe Ambambi, would always make sure that his motions and submissions pass the council. 

He was a political strategist of note. 

I vividly recall when he survived a political unseat from his position of SRC for sport the same year. 

Steven Nangolo and Lukas Shekwaanyena can attest to the smart political tactics of our dear brother.

 The late Mwandingi immensely contributed to the amendment of the SRC constitution and the SRC bylaws, which our regime put through the university council. 

His student influence and the spirit of advocating student issues got him elected as SRC vice president in 2011 under the leadership of comrade Fransina Muyumba as president. 

I remember Mwandingi as an active Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) member and a pan Africanist at Unam, who always displayed a constructive tendency and carried the mission of our political ideology, the Way Forward! 

As a student leader of the time, he executed his mandate without fear and favour and stood firm in the face of different contesting interests and intimidation. 

As Amupanda always said to us, “When the history of the University of Namibia is written one day, your names will be written as the leaders in the progressive regime”. 

The Mwandingi’s name is indeed part of the university’s history, and his legacy will live forever!

Of late, when I was elected as SPYL secretary for labour and justice, I called comrade Mwandingi and other legal experts of our generation to always expect my calls for legal consultations on youth and national related matters. 

He said, “Comrade, who else if not us?”. 

Maar, now his eyes are closed forever! 

A deep sense of sadness and gaping wounds are in our heavy hearts. 

We cannot hide our anger and frustration at God that such a productive, committed young man was taken away from us so soon when there is still so much to achieve.

To my friend, John Haufiku, parents, the entire family of the late Mwandingi and the community of the Mwandingi Attorneys, we have no doubt that our sadness and sorrow are nothing compared to the pain and agony that has visited you since the fateful Sunday. 

Only God knows how to heal the unique pain associated with the loss of a loved one. 

Even in our solemn sadness and deep anger, we cannot hide the spark of joy in our tearful eyes, which stem from the full knowledge that the 34 years of Mwandingi’s life are decorated with enormous accomplishments and outstanding achievements that very few can match. 

May your soul rest in eternal peace; farewell, combatant!


* Willem Amutenya is the SPYL secretary for labour and justice.