
‘We don’t want just anybody’… Walvis to re-advertise CEO post

Home National ‘We don’t want just anybody’… Walvis to re-advertise CEO post
‘We don’t want just anybody’… Walvis to re-advertise CEO post

WALVIS BAY – The hunt for a new CEO for the Walvis Bay municipality is on once again as ‘outdated’ requirements forced the council to re-advertise the position. 

The total package for the position is well over N$1.2 million per year, New Era understands. 

Walvis Bay has been without a CEO since November last year after the council opted not to renew Muronga Haingura’s contract when it ended shortly after he served a seven-month suspension alongside general manager Augostino Victor, housing and properties manager Jack Manale and property clerk Connie Summers.

The suspensions were to pave the way for an investigation into the alleged N$24 million that was missing from council, which also opted to institute a forensic audit that allegedly implicated more people.

However, Haingura, Manale, Victor and Summers were all reinstated in August last year, just two months before Haingura’s contract ended after serving since 2011.

Walvis Bay mayor Trevino Forbes told journalists on Friday that the council deemed it necessary to amend the job description and benchmark it with that of tier one municipalities (Swakopmund and Windhoek) and the private sector.

New Era learned that one specific requirement – that the successful candidate should have municipal experience – made it difficult for the council to appoint a suitable candidate. 

This requirement was apparently more favourable to those serving at village councils and smaller town councils, and excluded the big guns tipped for the position.

“We need a CEO as soon as possible, but we will not just choose anybody. We want to make sure that we choose the right person for the job so that the town is in capable hands, even when we are not here,” Forbes stated.

He added that Walvis Bay residents are not ordinary like other towns, but want things to happen overnight. 

They thus need a CEO who understands the town’s dynamic landscape and challenges, and who should also be able to tackle all the issues that the town is dealing with.

“As politicians, we made promises, and now we find it difficult to deliver. May I, however, remind you that the administration is the one that needs to execute decisions made by council, while the CEO is the head of administration and needs to oversee that those resolutions made by council are implemented. Therefore, we are looking for the best candidates for the town and its residents,” Forbes reiterated.

The chairperson of the management committee Richard Hoaeb earlier also said that they need a very strong, confident and incorruptible person who will not have an allegiance to anyone, to lead the municipality.

During the first round, council received 30 applications for the position, but only five candidates met the set criteria and were shortlisted.

“It is a known fact that the five people who were shortlisted met the requirements but were not more qualified and capable for the position, compared to those who did not make the shortlist,” one of the councillors said yesterday afternoon.