
Ex-cop appeals robbery conviction

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Ex-cop appeals robbery conviction

A former police officer who was convicted and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for carrying out an armed robbery in Windhoek, wants the High Court to reconsider the sentence and conviction imposed on him. Andre Majiedt (54), claims the Regional Court erred in law when it convicted him while the State failed to prove the case against him beyond a reasonable doubt. According to him, the court rejected his unchallenged and truthful version, which proves that he had no intention of stealing a car and a load of alcohol.

He also claims that the sentence of 10 years imprisonment is harsh and induces a sense of shock. Majiedt was convicted by the court on a charge of robbery with aggravating circumstances in November 2018. Subsequently, he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, of which five years were suspended for a period of five years on condition that he is not convicted of robbery or an offence of which violence is an element, committed during the period of suspension. The court also declared him unfit to posses a firearm for a period of five years.  

According to witnesses who testified during his trial, Majiedt robbed three people at gunpoint in Khomasdal after they had bought alcohol valued at N$30 821 for a bar. He allegedly pointed a gun at the driver (the driver was known to him) of a bakkie which was carrying the stock, and ordered him to get out of the car. He then drove off with the car and the goods. He was arrested that same day after he drove the car and its load to his girlfriend’s house. In his defence, he stated that he was allegedly being robbed when he saw a car with a person who was familiar to him. 

He demanded the car so that he could escape from the robbery. He also requested the driver to call the police. Thus, he never had the intention of stealing the vehicle or the goods that were loaded in it.   

High Court Judge Hosea Angula will hear the matter on 13 April.  -mamakali@nepc.com.na