
Omusati boy found buried in shallow grave

Home National Omusati boy found buried in shallow grave
Omusati boy found buried in shallow grave

The heartbreaking search for a nine-year-old boy ended in a discovery of a shallow grave on Friday, at Ondjungulume village in the Otamanzi constituency.

 Tuhafeni Malakia’s lifeless body was found by his grandmother on Friday morning. According to Omusati police chief Titus Shikongo, no arrests have been made yet. NBC reported late yesterday two people have been brought in for questioning in connection with the murder. 

“Malakia was living with his grandmother and his four-year-old brother at the time of the incident,” said Shikongo. He was reportedly assaulted with an unknown object. “The suspect used an unknown object to beat the deceased on the right side of the face and right eye, causing his death,” Shikongo explained.

 He further said the body was found buried in a shallow hole that was dug under a marula tree near the homestead. Shikongo stated the victim had allegedly disappeared from home on Thursday after his grandmother had left to collect her monthly old-age pension grant. 

“Upon return from her pension pay point, she allegedly found the younger brother alone in the house who informed her that his elder brother ran away from the house,” he said. 

Shikongo said after the discovery the grandmother notified neighbours who in turn called the police. Police investigations continue. 

In an unrelated incident, a six-year-old grade 1 learner was raped at Onaanda last week. It is alleged the suspect forcefully pulled the victim into his sleeping room before raping the minor. “The suspect is known and is yet to be arrested,” said Shikongo.
