
Oshikoto approves Etosha location formalisation

Home National Oshikoto approves Etosha location formalisation
Oshikoto approves Etosha location formalisation

The Oshikoto Regional Council, at its ordinary council meeting held recently, resolved to approve the formalisation of the Etosha informal location in the Onayena settlement.

According to Oshikoto chief regional officer Cristella Mwenyo, the aim is to accelerate service delivery as well as to properly coordinate development in the Etosha location.

“This was done in accordance with the council’s mandate, as derived from chapter 12 of the Namibian Constitution and the Regional Councils Act, 1992 (Act No. 22 of 1992), as amended, which is to undertake regional planning, development coordination and the provision of government services to all inhabitants in the region,” she explained. 

She said it is also in line with Sections 31 and 32 of the Regional Councils Act, 1992, which mandates the council to establish and manage declared settlement areas in the region. 

“A few years ago, infrastructure development, land allocation and occupation in the Etosha informal location were placed at a halt, until such a time that council finalises the proper demarcation of the location,” she noted.

After this approval, the council is set to embark on sourcing funds from the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development to develop and service the land before the location is officially formalised. 

Mwenyo indicated that among other resolutions taken during the first ordinary council meeting of 2022 was the approval to conduct a socio-economic assessment, which aims at assessing both social and economic conditions at the newly-declared settlement in Tsintsabis.

“The assessment aims at informing future council decisions pertaining to the provision of quality services to the inhabitants of the Tsintsabis settlement,” she said.

Moreover, the council approved the utilisation of funds amounting to N$29 989.52 allocated for the Ndinelago-Elwatha pipeline to remunerate project members who excavated pipelines in the Eengodi, Okankolo and Olukonda constituencies, respectively. 
