
To eat or not to eat meat

Home Front Page News To eat or not to eat meat

Wernhil Park shoppers had a surprise on Sunday, November 5, when they met a small group of Anonymous for the Voiceless activists, masked and standing motionless with placards written ‘TRUTH’ and holding laptops with videos looping. This was the silent protest by the Anonymous for the Voiceless group who are trying to convince people to go vegan. “We spoke to many people – they don’t realise the amount of harm and death that goes into meat, eggs, and dairy, not to mention how harmful it is to your health and the environment. You can make a change by deciding what you buy and what goes on your plate and into your body. Our aim is to show people what they are paying for, the truth. We want to promote a cruelty-free lifestyle, compassionate living, going vegan,” said the statement issued by the group, quoting one of the Anonymous for the Voiceless volunteers. The videos showed worldwide standard practices used in the dairy, meat and egg industry. Images of extreme cruelty, and basic animal rights violations flooded the screens as the Cube stood peacefully. The demonstration was not an isolated one, as 194 Cubes of Truth, in 194 cities across the world operated on Sunday, International Cube Day.