
Mondesa’s children reinvest in community

Home Youth Corner Mondesa’s children reinvest in community
Mondesa’s children reinvest in community

In solidarity with the Namibian child, but more specifically with those at the Festus Gonteb Primary School and the Vrede Rede Junior Primary School, a group of former learners calling themselves Children of Mondesa recently donated schoolwear to 50 pupils at the two neighbouring schools. 

The donations, which came from voluntary member contributions, included shoes, shirts, skirts, jerseys and shorts. The schoolwear will help the children attend school without worrying about the weather, which can be unpredictable.

When handing over the donation, the group’s chairperson Ruben Lucky
//Gaseb said they were responding to the clarion call made by President Hage Geingob for everyone to be involved in rebuilding the economy and communities, although it will be a long road ahead. 

“As a group, we want to not only hold hands with our alma maters, but help those who follow in our footsteps. In this way, we are not only contributing towards a better tomorrow for those children, but are also helping ourselves and them to reimage a better future,” he stated.

The two neighbouring schools have a rich history of producing excellent Swakopmunders in various sectors of society. 

Vrede Rede Junior Primary School has 1 150 learners for grades 0-9, and is described as one of the highest-ranked academic schools in the region. 

Festus Gonteb Primary School is one of the oldest schools in the Erongo region, having been founded in 1964 as an ‘Inboorling school’. 

Driven by its vision to remain a community-anchored organisation, the Children of Mondesa group regularly assists members of the community and contributes to events taking place in Mondesa. 

According to Reverend Lena Moedertjie Gaeses, who officiated at the handover, she has observed the group regularly contributing to the Mondesa community. 

“Thank you for taking the time and energy to plough back in the future leaders. Seeing the smiles and joy on the faces of the learners was the best thing to witness,” she added. 

Vrede Rede’s principal C Paul said their learners are vulnerable as they come from disadvantaged families, and the donation will boost their morale. 

“We are very lucky that you chose us as one of your beneficiaries for 2022. Thank you so much for having our learners at heart,” she observed. 

Sharing similar sentiments, principal of Festus Gonteb Mathews So-Oabeb said they face many challenges, and expressed the hope that others will assist to build a wall to ensure the children’s safety.