
Luuli: Humanity is everything

Home Youth Corner Luuli: Humanity is everything
Luuli: Humanity is everything

Festus Hamalwa

Briefly tell us about yourself

I am Justus Luuli, a teacher by profession and school principal to be specific. I am also an author of Oshikwanyama books, titled ‘Ombidangolo Ihai Lyatelwa Epwanga’ – a novel – and ‘Shitaleni’ – a drama. Apart from that, I also edit books and other pieces of writing. I do interpretations and translations from Oshiwambo to English and vice-versa, as well as public speaking by giving motivational speeches to teachers, learners and other professionals. I have also been recently mentoring aspiring authors on how to go about writing their books.


When did you start writing books?

I have always been writing stories for learners and teachers to be used as teaching material. I later noticed that my notes easily go viral – up to an extent that they are used in exams, rightly so, since there is no copyright whatsoever. That is when it occurred to me that I could write more than just notes – then I wrote my first book in 2020.


What made you write these books?

My sole purpose to write these books was to ensure they serve as an addition to the education curriculum in Namibian schools. I have observed that some literature books are recycled. 

I noticed that some books that I was taught while in school have resurfaced as teaching materials. This only implies that there are not enough available books for the ministry to choose from. It is for the above reason that I am excited to announce that one of my books, ‘Shitaleni’, has been approved by the Ministry of Education Arts and Culture to be used as a literature teaching material in junior secondary phase as of this year, 2022. 


Please explain the theme of your books 

The novel ‘Ombidangolo Ihai Lyatelwa Epwanga’ means actions have consequences. The story is aimed at alerting the youth to be careful about the decisions they make and how they react to situations, as they may either bear fruition or lead to long-term damage. 

It also instils discipline in the youth, and provides alternatives to issues such as theft, treachery and adultery.

‘Shitaleni’ directly translates as ‘look at it’. It highlights a multitude of challenges that learners endure during their school years until their adult lives. These challenges include bullying, trickery, teenage pregnancy, among others, and possible ways to combat them.


How many books have you written so far?

I have written two books so far. Those are the ones that are known to the public because they are published. However, I still have about three books that are awaiting publishing.


Are you planning on writing more books?

This is just the beginning. There are more books up my sleeves. In fact, the public should expect one more book in early March this year.


Why do you think people should read your books?

My books are fun, full of humour and nostalgia. Once you read either of them, I doubt if the word boredom will be part of your vocabulary ever again, because you would want to reread it over and over again. My books are rich in vocabulary and figures of speech. Most importantly, they are informative, eye-opening and inspiring. Lastly, they address issues that are trending. That’s why everyone should get one, if not both, for themselves, their schools and other institutions.


Your motivation to the people out there?

I always tell people that each one of us has a passion. Find it and use it to your advantage. It would do you wonders. Lastly, there is no comfort in being comfortable. Get up and do something that you will be proud of. Start where you are, with what you have.


Your social media page?

If anyone wishes to buy or order either of my books or use any of my services, I am available on social media platforms. My account name is Justus Hafeni or business account Justus Book Sales. One can also contact me on my mobile phone, for business purposes only, 081 350 1265/081 147 4134.

– fhamalwa@nepc.com.na