Our Star of the Week is Namibia’s internationally acclaimed boxing promoter-cum-trainer Nestor ‘Sunshine’ Tobias, who was recently chosen as Africa’s best boxing promoter for the year 2017 by the World Boxing Organisation (WBO).
Tobias, who was one of the inductees of the newly-introduced MTC Sports Legends Initiative and also won Coach of the Year accolade at last Friday’s MTC/NSC Sport Awards, won the WBO Africa Promoter of the Year award for the 5th consecutive time.
Tobias scooped the WBO accolade on four previous occasions. In its statement, the WBO headship said: “We have no doubt that the MTC Nestor Sunshine Boxing & Fitness Academy deserves this award as the very best in Africa and of course, a leading force to be reckoned with in world boxing. This award is therefore in honour of their excellence,” remarked WBO President Francisco Varcarcel.
The world’s leading boxing organisation further said the honour was bestowed on Tobias for his continuous outstanding contribution to Africa and world boxing in setting up professional bouts that were quality fights, frequent and of entertainment value.