
More ‘struggle kids’ graduate from Berg Aukas

Home Front Page News More ‘struggle kids’ graduate from Berg Aukas

Another group of the children of the liberation struggle, who are colloquially also known as the ‘struggle kids’, has graduated from the Berg Aukas Youth Skills Training Centre in Grootfontein. The latest group consists of 172 struggle kids who all graduated on October 25 with certificates in various trade skills. The graduation follows four months of vocational training in various fields, including public service management, specifically on public service rules and regulations, performance management and work ethics. “Today is an important day in your life, when you can confidently be proud of your achievements knowing that you have conquered the fear of the unknown and finished an important race in your life, that of gaining valuable skills,” said Reverend Ludwig Hausiku, the special advisor to the minister of youth and sport, Jerry Ekandjo, at the graduation ceremony. The training programme has so far absorbed 819 children of the liberation struggle who have been trained through various ministerial youth skills centres and the Namibia Institute for Mining and Technology. In the photo are some of the graduates as they receive their certificates from (standing, facing the camera from left) Reverend Hausiku, Moses !Omeb, special advisor to Otjozondjupa Governor Otto Ipinge, and Dr George Simataa, the secretary to Cabinet.