Seventh Adventist youth celebrate culture

Home Youth Corner Seventh Adventist youth celebrate culture

Ocrhain Sampaya

Windhoek-“Unity in Diversity” was the underlying theme when the Windhoek Central Seventh Adventist Church youth had a culture day last Saturday.

More than 1 500 youth showcased their talents in cooking, singing and their respective traditional attires. The event, the first of its kind by the church, was held to emphasise among the church members the importance of culture, tribe or its cultural norms. Church elder, Sinvula Mudaveti, who organised the event, said it was high time the church appreciated all cultures.

“We are not promoting something new here, our Lord and Saviour through the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:27 says all of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it, why then would we deliberately decide to divide ourselves because of culture,” said Mudaveti.

But some members had different feelings about the event saying the church was now moving away from its beliefs. Postrick Likando said the event was promoting unity but cautious how it should do this. “Let me not be misquoted, I’m not saying it’s wrong. All I’m saying is where are we getting all these celebrations, we never celebrated culture in church, but nevertheless I’m glad it happened at least I now know how to make oshikundu and other kinds of food that my culture don’t do,” he stressed.