
Arnold found guilty of killing ex-lover

Home Crime and Courts Arnold found guilty of killing ex-lover

Maria Amakali

Windhoek-Anthea Arnold, the woman who has been on trial for the murder of her German ex-boyfriend, was yesterday found guilty of murder with direct intent in the Windhoek Regional Court in Katutura.

Arnold, 32, was on trial on a charge of murder for the fatal shooting, which resulted in the death of her married former boyfriend, Michael Breder, 52, in his car in Windhoek’s southern industrial area during the night of May 14 to 15, 2011.

The post mortem report indicated that Breder died from a gunshot wound in the back fired at close range. It is also recorded that the entry gunshot wound was on the right paravertebral part of the mid-back.
The police found a handwritten note on the table inside Breeder’s home, on which it was written: “I did it because he infected me with HIV and feel nothing about it”.

“In light of the above and the inference I have made in respect of the handwritten note as a possible motive that explains the accused’s conduct, I find the accused guilty as charged on the count of murder with dolus directus,” Magistrate Ileni Velikoshim ruled.

Throughout the trial Arnold maintained she never intended to harm or kill the deceased, and that she fired the fatal shot six years ago in self-defense.

However, the court thought that Arnold’s version of the events that led to Breder’s death was full of improbabilities and inconsistencies.

“Her version of events right from the start appeared to be carefully rehearsed to deflect the court from making a finding as to her state of mind,” Magistrate Velikoshi noted, further adding that not only did Arnold contradict herself, but she was also evasive and highly defensive during the trial.

According to Arnold’s version of events, she had gone to Breeder’s house upon his invitation for a braai with his friends. Upon arrival there, she found that Breder was alone at the house and there was no sign of a braai taking place.

Arnold explained to the court that they were seated when a drunk and aggressive Breder started assaulting her. She testified that she noticed he had a gun. During the assault, Arnold said, she managed to grab the gun that was in Breder’s possession and shot him once with it.

“The accused said that she fired out of fear. I cannot imagine what her fears were, because she was now the one armed with a firearm she had grabbed away from the deceased.

“There was, therefore, no imminent violence or threats of violence from which the accused could have protected herself,” Velikoshi maintained.

Velikoshi found Arnold’s version of events to be false beyond reasonable doubt and said it should be rejected as a fabrication designed to escape conviction.