Our football a pretty kettle of fish

Home Columns Our football a pretty kettle of fish

Yours truly has never been in the habit of “Kowtowing – being overtly deferential – and even though there have been great thinkers and leaders in history, it can become quite tempting to treat anything whatsoever uttered by a thinker or those in leading positions whom one greatly admires, as if it were the real deal.

Very often, there may be excellent reasons for relying on the opinions of experts and the authority of those who have spent their lifetime studying a particular subject. Nonetheless, one will be best advised to carefully scrutinize the appeal to “truth by authority and universal expertise”.

But if one is not careful, this particular exercise or attitude can be stretched too far with the unwanted potential of degenerating into obsequiousness and excessive or false humility, which gets in the way of critical thinking.

In short, the definition of “Kowtowing” literally means touching the ground with your forehead as a sign of deference, so to speak. In short, uncritical acceptance of other people’s ideas and interpretation of rules can lead to potentially catastrophic mental stagnation.

Yours truly has been following with keen interest the latest twist following a leaked letter authored by leading local football administrator, one Cassius Tertius Moetie.

The long-serving executive member of four times dethroned Namibian champions Black Africa – a club with a rich pedigree and arguably the most successful club in the history of domestic football – has climbed bare-knuckles into the yet-to-be-tested NPL executive.

The outspoken football administrator left no stone unturned to castigate the newly appointed Namibia Premier League (NPL) executive for apparently deliberately violating its own statutes –pointing to dozens of infringements on constitutional matters.

Now, my dear readers, let us look at the issue of necessary and sufficient conditions.
A necessary condition is one which is a prerequisite. For example, being able to thoroughly page through the constitution is a necessary condition of our making sense of the rules scripted in the statutes, but obviously not a sufficient condition, because we might be able to read, yet find it hopelessly too abstract to make sense of its content.

In short, being able to read certainly does not guarantee all of us will make sense of what we have gathered from reading. But alas, if we don’t read documents that guide our togetherness, then we are certainly unlikely to make sense of the entire exercise.

From what I surmised, yours truly would give Bro Cash the benefit of the doubt on his marathon assessment and analysis, not because I am entirely in harmony with the unfolding saga, but simply because the accused has unfortunately resolved to attack the character of the author instead of providing counter arguments.

Based on their reaction, it’s my sincere conclusion that the NPL hierarchy lacks mental focus, since my learned colleagues in dear suits appear to fail to appreciate precisely what is really at stake here and more importantly, the likely consequences thereof.

Of course, we are fully aware that rules are not cast in iron and can be bent, but sidestepping basic rules without proper consultation with your constituency could have serious repercussions – ultimately coming back to haunt you big time.

In conclusion, while Bro Cassius might have raised legitimate concerns, the time and manner was not exactly cool, since the issue could have been dealt with in a much better way – in terms of airing and communicating the grievances to the relevant authorities.

The seemingly unending off the pitch battles and internal fights could scare off already skeptical potential sponsors from associating themselves with the game of football, just because of the chronic bickering.
I rest my case.