Industry Loop: Hi ConSoAV. Remember me? 

Home Lifestyle Industry Loop: Hi ConSoAV. Remember me? 

Hi ConSoAV. Remember me? I bet you, the bosses that sit in their air-conditioned offices don’t! Tell you what! Your sound engineers do. Hey bosses…what don’t you ask your sound engineers what transpired at the OtjiFest in Otjiwarango?

Oh, you already did didn’t you? I bet you that feedback was all positive and A-for a way nuh? Hey bosses…here’s a thought. Have you ever thought of engaging the actual people that end up using your equipment on the service they received from your sound engineers?

People like say…me and the rest of my colleagues [entertainers]?
Let’s leave the client out of this. Because 99.9% of the time, the client really does not understand the intricacies of your work. Hence, they will not be able to differentiate with great detail whether the service provided was poor or excellent.

I was one of the people who utilised your equipment and was privy to the service provided by your sound engineers. Let us isolate what happened the last night of OtjiFest to that.

What happened that night by no means defines the work ethic and professional stance that your brand holds. I say this because I have worked with your team of sound engineers before, and they were excellent. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the second evening of OtjiFest.

From threatening to mute mics on stage to actually really muting the mics and talking into mics while entertainers are on stage are but some of the things that really, really, REALLY P*SSED ME OFF!!!!
Let’s talk about the muting of mics! Dear Bosses, your team of sound engineers decided to play Messiah, and proceeded to mute my mic. It happened once.

When it happened, I refused to go off stage until such time that they unmute the mic. When they did eventually unmute the mic, I called them out and kindly asked that we work together. That is, in front of the crowd. Imagine! Hey Sound Engineer…remember just before The Dogg’s performance? I bet your bosses didn’t know about that nuh? Ok.
Don’t mute my mic. This goes out to every sound company in this country. Don’t mute my mic. Don’t mute any entertainer’s mic. You are bringing about a serious embarrassment to our brands and hurting our commercial value.
If there is a problem of any sorts that you need to communicate to the entertainers on stage or me…kindly send one of your team members to the stage. We are not blind.

We will see if the team member quickly wants to whisper something in our ears. But to resort to muting our mics…will lead to dialogue flying out of the window and eventualities to be the order of the day.

Secondly, I don’t know if this is like the ConSoAV ka-thang but your sound engineers kept interrupting me and my co-host plus entertainers on stage by speaking into the speakers/mic.

They kept on giving instructions while we are on stage. Imagine being on stage, you are interacting with the audience and about to announce the next performer and you get into that zone…that climax, that LADIES AND GENTLEMEN…PLEASE MAKE SOME NOISE FOR…….a bloody 2nd voice just chips in “Check mic 1 for artist. Check Mic 2, etc”. Etse?!

Its hella annoying and crazy disrespectful. When I’m on stage…and I think I speak for every entertainer under the sun, I don’t want any secondary voice under cutting my voice while on stage. It’s crazy disruptive and disturbing.
BossTEAM at ConSoAV…please work on these points and going forward you will enjoy a harmonious relationship with me and the rest of the entertainers.

I hope you understand that you need to have a good working relationship with us because ultimately if we get on the animosity side of things, both parties will lose money.

Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!
Song of the week: Michael Pulse ft. Jordan: I pray
Flop of the week: None
NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email or @naobebsekind (twitter)