Resounding success for Omuthiya youth expo

Home Front Page News Resounding success for Omuthiya youth expo

Obrein Simasiku

Omuthiya-Hundreds of people flocked to Omuthiya over the weekend to attend the Omuthiya Youth Expo that was conceived barely three months ago by a youth group advocating economic inclusion of the unemployed and stimulation of growth among youth entrepreneurs.

The expo, which ended yesterday, started last week on Wednesday. It was brought to reality with funding to the tune of N$3,000 from the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service. The sponsorship was handed to the Omuthiya Youth Parliament (OYP), which organized the event.

The head of the youth ministry centre in Omuthiya, Albanus Iipinge, applauded the youth for having organized a successful youth expo instead of relying on donors.

“I would like to commend the youth for the job well done which saw the success of this event. Their only funding was N$3,000, and from that money, when I asked two days into the event, I was informed they only used N$1,000. Therefore, this is a clear indication it is really a commendable gesture to host an event of such magnitude with little to nothing as start-up,” stressed Iipinge.

“The main objective of this expo is to contribute meaningfully to the socio-economic development of the town, region and nation at large. To create a platform to unite and harmonise young people, and provide them with opportunities to come together and showcase their potential, and exhibit their products and talents,” explained the Minister of Youth, Sport and National Service, Jerry Ekandjo, at the official opening of the expo on Friday.
Ekandjo reminded exhibitors they are the economic development asset of the town and the entire country at large.

“Entrepreneurship development enables a country to grow its economy by supporting local entrepreneurs. Equipping entrepreneurs with the necessary opportunities such as this event is a method of ensuring further entrepreneurial opportunities that can be identified and capitalized on for not only the business owner, but also suppliers, customers and the community,” encouraged Ekandjo.

Meanwhile, the chairperson of OYP, David Uusiku, stressed that their proactive stance in organizing this event supports the notion that youths are the leaders of tomorrow.

“We are motivated by this, but in our own way we decided we start leading now so that when tomorrow comes, they will find us leading already,” said Uusiku.

Uusiku however made it categorically clear that the OYP is a non-profit organization that looks forward to using the funds generated from the expo for charity purposes, such as assisting the needy. He added that it should also not be politicized, i.e. be used as a political tool.

“We want to acquire a piece of land in town or outside where we can set up a garden where we can generate produce and assist others who are in need, in the same light creating employment,” said Uusiku, also announcing the expo would become an annual event.

The mayor of the town, Toivo Nghilalulwa, availed himself to assist anywhere he can when it comes to youth matters, while reminding that youth senior members of society are ageing and becoming physically inactive, hence the youth serve as the backbone of the future.

“Youth need proper education and guidance from elders – hence it’s important for the youth to respect and listen to their advice and wisdom that the elders instil in them as they are more experienced and knowledgeable,” advised Nghilalulwa.