
Redforce: Katutura residents demand answers

Redforce: Katutura residents demand answers

Rudolf Gaiseb

Disgruntled members of the Katutura Residents Committee who were accompanied by Khomasdal activists, went to the Government Office Park on Wednesday morning, to demand an explanation regarding municipal debt write-offs and the removal of Redforce as a municipal debt-collector.

Their demands, contained in letters delivered to the ministry, included the end of using estimates to bill residents for water consumption, and the introduction of prepaid electricity and water meter systems for the residents. To their dismay, they were told minister of Urban and Rural Development Erastus Uutoni was allegedly not in office. 

The committee then demanded to talk to the acting executive director of the ministry, but his staff allegedly said he was attending a meeting, and would not be able to attend to them or send a delegate to talk to the committee. The residents said they had sent their first letter addressing these issues in December last year. 

“We have followed reasonable law-abiding steps to seek a greater understanding for our circumstances, and to obtain a fair outcome. During 2023, these steps included frequent approaches to the officials and elected councillors of the Windhoek Municipal Council through the office of the mayor, and an approach to the President of the Republic of Namibia for an audience,” committee chairperson Benestus Kandundu said.

He further said late president Hage Geingob responded to the first letter by assuring them that he had taken note of their grievances and proposals, and referred the matter to the urban and rural development minister for consideration, and to provide them with feedback, “We have received no feedback,” Kandundu asserted.  

 He further said: “A second letter addressed to President Nangolo Mbumba received a reply dated 27 June 2024 that again assured us that note had been taken of our issues, and it advised us to contact the office of the executive director at the ministry, Nghidinua Daniel, and copied the letter to him. Two months have passed with no feedback from the ministry nor any invitation for us to make enquiries on a way forward, or be informed of the minister’s outlook.”

He added: “With no response forthcoming, we are being ignored, and our issues considered of no importance to our community or the public at large. In the absence of any intervention by the minister, the situation in the streets, with which the committee is familiar, is dire.”  According to the residents, the municipality continues with its business-as-usual approach. No pre-paid meters have allegedly been installed as they had recommended, and residents continue to fall into debt. “As a matter requiring urgent action before the elections, we need to explore ways to solve the issues. Solar energy is one option. Companies must be permitted to provide solar energy apparatus immediately. If a law must be amended, it must be done within one week. The minister should ensure that pre-paid meters are installed now, by whatever means possible. As a matter of emergency, Namibian Power Corporation must install pre-paid meters, or any company that is willing. Whatever is hindering the
poor people of our city from getting relief must be removed. As needed, it should be debated in Parliament before the elections, and laws made and enforced,” Kandundu stated. Committee member Banagh Fisch said in many areas of Khomasdal, residents live in poverty and hunger “due to a shortage of water and electricity”. Other members also stated that Katutura Single Quarters’ residents and businesses are affected, including Hifikepunye Kambwale Street, Saima Amunyela, and Asser Kalume Streets.

A committee member and resident who runs a small business, pastor Julius Kakero said poverty and hunger are affecting vendors who have been chased away from Clemence Kapuuo Street near the Pick n Pay, Woermann Brock supermarkets at the Black Chain complex in Katutura.

The personal assistant to the minister, Asser Haradoeb, said the ministry has been busy with
other issues, and assured the committee that they will arrange a meeting between the minister and the committee before the end of this week. 
