
Councillors allegedly attempt to scupper RedForce report

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Councillors allegedly attempt to scupper RedForce report

WALVIS BAY – A decision to replace current acting CEO of the Walvis Bay municipality John Esterhuizen has been taken with a pinch of salt by some councillors.

Esterhuizen is said to be a key figure in the ongoing investigations regarding the debt-collecting contract which was awarded to RedForce last year. 

Management committee members Richard Hoaeb, Olivia Andrews and Ronald Bramwell allegedly decided to replace Esterhuizen with David Uushona during last Thursday’s management committee (MC) meeting. 

As things stand at the council, Uushona reports to Esterhuizen. 

Amidst the circus, Tsumeb municipality CEO Victoria Kapenda is expected to take over the reigns at Walvis Bay on 1 August, council members confirmed. 

However, the trio did not attend a special council meeting scheduled for the tabling of the interim report by advocate Richard Metcalfe two hours later. Four councillors, being Ryan Gordon (LPM), Albertina Nkoshi, Ephraim Shozi and Paulus Kauhondamwa – all Swapo councillors, were in attendance.

However, the meeting could not take place due to a lack of quorum.

The LPM and Swapo councillors indicated they are opposing the appointment of Uushona, claiming he is one of the managers who need to answer how RedForce was appointed in the first place.  “I saw the aim and purpose of the meeting when I received the agenda for the MC meeting. It was indeed a meeting to appoint an acting CEO. Why are they appointing a new acting CEO suddenly?” Kahoundamwa questioned. He said appointing a new acting CEO seems like a way for some councillors to try and avoid or boycott Metcalfe’s findings.

“Our new CEO is expected to start on 1 August 2024. Hence, it makes no sense to appoint someone to act for the next six weeks. Esterhuizen must remain in the position, and continue with the ongoing investigation,” Kahoundamwa said.  He also questioned why he was not invited to the meeting as an alternate MC member.

Report divides us

Councillor Shozi said the investigation has been a thorn in the flesh, and has divided the council.  The fact that councillors failed to show up is a boycott against Metcalfe’s findings, he added.

 “We are divided, and it does not serve the community well. We also don’t understand why we are rushing to replace Esterhuizen… This is tantamount to taking the investigation out of the way because the report is getting deeper and closer to the truth. Are they trying to block RedForce because names are popping up? I don’t know who we are trying to protect. Why are we not allowing the Redforce issue to take its course?” Shozi asked.

Nkoshi also expressed her disappointment, stating that all councillors signed to attend the meeting, but chose not to despite having an MC meeting just hours before. “We came here at 18h00, and excuses were given. I am really disappointed, as the purpose was for Metcalfe to give direction and clarity on RedForce,” she said.  She added that the notice went out to all councillors – but only they showed up.  “Hoaeb, Andrews and Bramwell attended the meeting, but they cannot attend this special meeting. Are they boycotting RedForce? What are they hiding? Don’t they want to tell us the truth? We are not going to shy away. Whoever is guilty must come out,” she stressed.

Ministerial intervention

Gordon told the media the meeting was called by the councillors who tendered apologies. “I can just state for the record, we had a meeting last night (Wednesday). It was an urgent meeting that was called by these specific councillors who are not here today. They even signed for the meeting, but it was postponed until this morning (Thursday) – and the same councillors did not come to this meeting,” he observed.

Gordon then suggested that ministerial intervention be obtained to reach consensus on RedForce, as residents are suffering.

Contacted for comment yesterday, deputy mayor Saara Mutondoka told New Era she could not attend the meetings as she was in Windhoek attending a United Nations’ workshop until Friday. “There was a special council meeting scheduled for Wednesday on staff matters. But due to unforeseen circumstances, some councillors could not attend. The special council meeting was for ErongoRed matters, but was not called for by me as vice chairperson of the council. So, I do not know who initiated it,” she said. Mutondoka indicated that she was not part of the MC meeting where Esterhuizen was replaced with Uushona. She, however, said it is within Hoaeb’s powers to appoint any employee to act as CEO.

Councillor Victor Leroy indicated he could not attend the meetings due to his work schedule. Meanwhile, questions posed to Hoaeb, Andrews and Bramwell were not answered by yesterday afternoon.

Walvis Bay mayor Trevino Forbes is currently out of town.
