
Uncommon sense – Life is simple. We complicate it

Uncommon sense – Life is simple. We complicate it

We live in a world where we are constantly preoccupied with the buzz of current affairs, goals and pictures of an euphoric future. We are constantly busy with tasks that once complete, only take us to nowhere but the next one. 

This sometimes happens so much that even instead of sitting back, relaxing and celebrating these little accomplishments, we would rather move on to the next task in the hope it will perhaps make us feel a little more complete.

In this buzz of a fast life, we lose ourselves. We lose our true essence, and even more importantly, go on without reflection on what could be our sole purpose in this earthly realm. We operate from the place of separation, exclusivity and isolation, yet we wonder why, no matter what we accomplish, we still feel incomplete.

Furthermore, our life has become nothing more than aesthetics. In the loss of our true essence, we have forgotten that we are spiritual beings who are here to have a physical experience before we once again transition back to our spiritual realms of origin. In this quagmire of ignorance, worry and anxiety take their toll as we lay sleepless in our golden king-size beds. 

We find solace in distraction with gadgets and scrolls on screens that only worsen our situation, as we ceaselessly compare ourselves to what may simply be another fake virtual reality.

In our ignorance of nature’s laws and unalignment with our identity, we have made ourselves objects simply identified with titles, and what we do. In lack of knowledge of the self and not realising that we are all one expression of one’s consciousness, we find ourselves grappling with the meaning of life and useless competition. 

Instead of realising that nature has enough for everyone and that there will be enough if everyone only takes what they need, we take the route of every man for himself, and mindset of scarcity grants us restless days. However, it would take a certain level of awareness to pause and reflect on every behaviour or action we take. 

It requires a certain amount of self-assessment to question whether we live and do everything intentionally, or we merely live a programmed life of monkey-see-monkey-do. It would also take a certain critical evaluation, and perhaps a lot more of unlearning and de-programming, to find a path that is fulfilling, and realise that sometimes not all that glitters is gold. 

By no means this would mean surrendering or giving up on our pursuits for better days, but it simply grounds and reminds us to rather find meaningful and purposeful pursuits.

*Karlos The Great

E-mail: karlsimbumusic@gmail.com.Uncommon Sense is published bi-weekly in the New Era newspaper with contributions from Karlos Naimwhaka. YouTube channel: Karlos Lokos