Industry Loop – Simply You Magazine Lifestyle and Fashion Awards predictions

Industry Loop – Simply You Magazine Lifestyle and Fashion Awards predictions

The Simply You Magazine, Lifestyle and Fashion Awards will take place tomorrow – and as per custom, yours truly will predict who will win in each category. 

The awards are based on votes. Generally, analysts always frown upon awards that are voted based on various reasons. 

The main one is that the most popular person may not be the most deserving.

My N*gga Get Lich might be extremely popular… does that mean he should win a Hip Hop award in a category that has KP Illest, Emmanuel Rose and Cassidy Karon?
However, there is also pushback in some quarters against awards that place the power to choose a winner in the hands of a select few in the form of a judging committee. 

Look… it is an age-old debate – one that will never ever end.
This is why I love awards – I love the drama. I love fuelling the drama, which is exactly what I am going to do right now!
I too have been nominated for the Male Radio Personality of the Year. For ethical reasons, I am going to refrain from predicting this category, and that of the Female Radio Personality of the Year.

It is MRP4 to the SMS line 62220, just in case you would like to place a vote for me, nuh…LOL!
TV Personality of the Year award: I have immense admiration and respect for everyone in this category. Let us look at their current shows. The Saturday breakfast show with Helvi and Adriano is fairly new. 

Rooted with Franklin Shitaleni is not a prime-time show. 

Tupopyeni with Josy Nghipandua has been running for a while. 

It is a prime-time show. 

My prediction is that Nghipandua will scoop this category.
Stylist of the Year: the question with this category is, who had the biggest year? 

It is not even about the actual styling. It is about who styled the most prominent figures. With all fairness, I believe Rumano Fabrishh had the biggest year. Who on earth styles a minister, and actually pulls it off?

Fashion designer of the year This is between Ronaldo and Karishma. 

I love Karnation, but I believe she still needs to find her groove and establish a look. Ronaldo will take this one.
Photographer of the Year is another tightly-contested category. 

Every photographer in this category specialises in a certain sub-craft of photography. 

The question is, who can do everything in all the settings at a pristine level? I believe Mency can. Mency will take this one.
I have always maintained that whoever has the skill to apply makeup on a man gets my vote with the Makeup Artist of the Year. That person, for me, is Miss Jey.
The Content-Creator of the Year award is huge! 

My favourites are Talah Da Costa and Mucky. I love Talah. I love his ‘I will live my life whether you like it or not’ spirit.

 How he bounces back stronger scandal after scandal is beyond me. Mucky is fantastic. I love her loud and happy personality. She did exceptionally well in her on-screen debut with ‘E’Felende’. 

However, this is the content-creator of the year, right?
Creating means bringing something that was not there into existence. 

I think this award needs to go to Talah. Personally, I want Mucky to move away from what she currently does to on-screen film work. I believe she is a brilliant actress.
Social Media Influencer of the Year – my goodness. Everyone in this category is extremely influential in one way or the other. 

However, this is between Taimi Nuunyango and Chani Rabe. 

I still have not forgiven Chani for mentioning isiZulu and Dutch when she was asked at a crowning event to mention a few local languages spoken in Namibia. 

I am the biggest patriot. 

So, I am going for Taimi. 

The Male Model of the Year is between Roger and Albert. Ladies, tall, dark and handsome, mos, of hoe?
Ultimately, Roger will take it.
The final category, Female Model of the Year, will be your classic pageantry vs runway fight. 

Your classic ‘what is actually a model’ debate. 

Leading that fight in this category is Louise Shilongo in the red corner, representing models, and Precious Andre in the blue corner, representing pageantry. 

At the end of the day, we are looking for the model of the year. 

Shilongo for the award!
However, these awards are about votes. Let us see what happens. 

May the man and woman with the most votes win, I guess!
Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM
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