Man in court for rape

Home Crime and Courts Man in court for rape

Aron Mushaukwa

Katima Mulilo-Bernard Litebele, 29, from Sibbinda appeared in the Katima Mulilo Magistrate’s Court yesterday for allegedly raping a 16-year-old girl.

The incident took place at Sibbinda where it is said the suspect forcefully handcuffed the victim with a chain last Friday, before proceeding to rape her.

The incident happened overnight and Litebele was arrested on Saturday and taken to the local police camp, from where he was transferred to Katima Mulilo on Monday.

According to sources who spoke to New Era, this is not the first time Litebele has committed such a crime.
It is understood that in November last year he allegedly raped another girl from the same village, but the case was never reported to the police as it was resolved among family members.

During his first appearance in court yesterday Litebele insisted he wanted to conduct his own defence. The magistrate had to repeatedly advise and explain to him that the charge he faces is a serious one, and conducting his own defence would be suicidal.

It was after this advice that Litebele agreed to apply for legal aid.
He was denied bail and the case was postponed to November 6 for him to apply for legal aid, and to allow room for further investigations, which will include obtaining the rape test kit results.
Vincent Nzaca presisided while George Matali represented the State.