Okakarara needs a sports officer – Kandorozu… moratorium on expenditure blamed for delay

Home Sports Okakarara needs a sports officer – Kandorozu… moratorium on expenditure blamed for delay

Carlos Kambaekwa

Okakarara-Outspoken NUDO Councillor for Okakarara Constituency Vetaruhe Kandorozu has expressed concern over the conspicuous absence of a dedicated sports officer in the constituency.

“It has been almost seven years now since the previous sports officer, Roger Kambatuku, was transferred to Windhoek but his successor is yet to be unveiled. This scenario is seriously affecting sports development and other related recreational activities in the area,” he charged.

The NUDO firebrand believes the continued absence of a dedicated sports officer to facilitate and provide directives to aspiring athletes could have far-reaching ramifications.

“With the accelerating unemployment rate, particularly in our constituency, sports has without an iota of doubt the desired potential to keep young people off the streets and way from the evils of society. It also helps foster closer ties and camaraderie between communities with different views on various topics, including political allegiance.”

Approached to shed light on Kandorozu’s concerns, the acting director of sports in the portfolio ministry, Jo-Ann Manuel, said the ministry was fully aware of the situation but was hamstrung by recent budget cuts.

“As we are all aware, the government has placed a moratorium on expenditure, including the recruitment of new staff members. This problem is not only confined to the Okakarara Constituency. Okavango West, Lüderitz and Oranjemund are also saddled with the same problem.”

Manuel advised authorities in the vast Okakarara to draft a letter for the attention of Cabinet. “In the interim, they are welcome to utilise the services of the sports officer in Otjiwarongo – provided proper procedures are followed,’ she said.