
Former Brave Warrior helps the needy

Home National Former Brave Warrior helps the needy

Nuusita Ashipala

Olukonda-Former Brave Warriors player Eliphas Shivute donated school uniforms to 86 orphans and vulnerable children at the Olukonda Primary School through the San Fishing Company.

The donation by the now retired former soccer star on Wednesday, included a roof shade.
Apart from the N$85,000 worth of school uniforms and the shade, Saphile as he is known in the football world, will also sponsor Olukonda Secondary School and Onezizi Combined School with items worth N$115,000.

The donation covers over 70 percent of the orphans and vulnerable children registered at the school.

The former Brave Warriors player will further provide Okaloko Combined School with electricity with a small kitchen expected to follow soon.

Speaking at the handover, Shivute encouraged the nation to instil a culture of sharing and do away with the tendency of expecting government to provide everything.

He cautioned that expecting government to provide everything “is self-defeating and contrary to all that our parents, brothers and sisters fought for”.

Shivute who was born at Olukonda said it was imperative to join hands and declare war against poverty for the betterment of the entire country.

“The little one has, can always be appreciated and that little can always make a difference and change many lives; please let’s unite and do what we can with the little we have,” Shivute said.

He said he could relate to the suffering endured by the learners because he experienced first-hand the worst effects of poverty.

However, he was able to transform his hardships for his own self-upliftment and wellbeing.
“The feeling of poverty is inconvenient, difficult and embarrassing but nothing to be ashamed of because on top of all, it is a great teacher and trainer.  It is poverty and hardship that made us whom we are today,” he said.

One of the beneficiaries, Grade 7 learner Tangeni Johannes expressed gratitude for the gesture.

“We are excited; we are over the moon.  It is more a blessing to give than to receive. May blessing pour upon you,” Johannes said.

Apart from Shivute’s donation, the event raised about N$6,800 to purchase a water tank to harvest water from the roofing.