Katima will host karate workshop… karatekas from Zambia to add spice to gathering

Home Sports Katima will host karate workshop… karatekas from Zambia to add spice to gathering


The usually laid back town of Katima Mulilo in the vast Zambezi Region will be a hive of activity this weekend when hosts Namibia and neighbouring Zambia take the lead in presenting the two-day workshop syllabus in all styles karate, Kumite Ganshuku.

The workshop, to be held under the auspices of the Zambezi Region Karate Club, will have as its main theme posture, distance, movement, timing and reaction time with all participants to spend enormous running through subdivisions of karate tactics that deal with moving between distances, calculating short and long range movements between stances, and turning from stance to stance while fighting.

Participants are also going to be taken through the paces of knowing the art of closed and open sides of each stance, while sparring with a partner karateka, and taken through the paces of techniques aimed at adjusting timing, distance and reaction time.

Timing and reaction time in Kumite originate from the art of mastering the long and short-range techniques delivery forms.

The closing session will focus on what has been covered over the two days.
The main focus would be the effective application of punches, strikes, kicks, blocks, locking, holding and throwing techniques.

Karatekas are to perform eight Aikido techniques each on training partners in basic free-play prior to be issued the Taiho-Jutsu grading membership booklets with a 4th Kyu grade.