
NRU’s silence over Kwaaitjie’s ban is concerning

Home Opinions NRU’s silence over Kwaaitjie’s ban is concerning

I was very much delighted to read the press release regarding the much-trumpeted Theo Coetzee matter that raised its ugly head during a Gold Cup Rugby match at Wanderers Rugby Grounds, in September this year.
But after carefully studying the release, I realised that certain people think because of the colour of their skin they own rugby and have the right to underestimate other ethnic groups’ level of intelligence.

It was a very brave move by Wanderers Rugby Club to admit the incident by Coetzee was indeed racial. It was also good to inform the nation of the one-year suspension imposed on the accused, but you cannot fool us with your lame statements.

First of all, Kwaaitjie was supposed to be made to apologise to the Namibian nation for dragging the name of the country into disrepute, but his silence is a clear sign of showing no remorse.

This deserves a ban not just locally but internationally for bringing the game of rugby into disrepute.
Wanderers can only suspend him from club activities, but does not have the constitutional right to ban him from all forms of rugby. Therefore, it is safe to say Kwaaitjie may move to another club and continue playing as well for the Welwitchias and the National Rugby 15 if he so wishes.

Now that Kwaaitjie has acknowledged his misdeed, what action – if any – will NRU and the Sports Commission take? He has violated the NRU constitution, the Sports Act and World Rugby constitution, as well as the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia.

Will they again sit arms folded and wait for an official complain to be lodged before reacting? It was first of all the NRU’s duty to have investigated the allegations made at that stage when it happened.

Should such a person be allowed to continue wearing national sports colours and represent the 85% of the ethnic black people he directed his racial slur at? My greatest concern is that the NRU was and still remains silent on this very sensitive matter.

This brings me to another case brought against me and my buddy, Robbie Thompson, in 2013. It was investigated and we were both charged in less than two weeks.

All because I had the audacity to tell the president of the NRU that he was the worst president NRU has ever had and for allegedly informing the media, which was present at the match between the women’s rugby match – NRU’s ban on playing the national anthems of both countries, hosts Namibia and Botswana. With the lame excuse that “it is not NRU policy’’.

This was the cause (as informed by a serving NRU executive member) of the actions that followed, such as giving medals to players of Pandas and Phoenix that played in the league finals, looking for logistic support from the Directorate of Sport for the match between Namibia and Botswana without the approval of the NRU and for allegedly defacing the Welwitschias logo and thereby bringing the game of rugby in disrepute.

I must also proudly put it on record that Pandas and Phoenix (women’s rugby teams) were the only two clubs that received prize money, administration fees and transport fees from a grant received from the Namibia Women In Sports Association (NAWISA).

This was achieved by myself, Lionel Miller and Robbie Thompson, which the NRU has failed to at least equal since 2013. And this after a promise by the NRU in 2012 to the effect that “Die borge staan tou om te borg”, I was in harmony with all these charges and accepted a ban of two years from rugby, as per the Black Book of the New Zealand Rugby Union.

Yes, Robbie and I were summarily banned under the rules of a foreign country. In fact, NRU even went as far as admitting we could have been slapped with a five-year to a life ban for our action.

My question to the NRU is, if I and my friend Robbie’s sentence was two years for the good we have done in the best interest of rugby, why has nothing been done to a person who dragged the good name of the Republic of Namibia through the mud?

I’m still wondering what his ban would be as Kwaaitjie has already admitted guilt. Maybe life, or until he departs this earth – whichever comes first.

* The views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of Keith Allies and not that of his employer or any other party.