Youth pay tribute to Castro

Home National Youth pay tribute to Castro


The Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) has spelled out the life and character of the late former Cuban leader and Commander-in-Chief of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, whose ashes were interred in a rock in Santiago on Sunday, closing a historic chapter

Occasionally referring to him on the title which the world affectionately adopted, ‘El Comandante’, the Swapo youth wing did not mince neither hold back their words as they joined the global chorus in bidding farewell to the revolutionary who influenced global events

“Castro was a selfless leader who led his people during the most difficult times by overthrowing the exploitative and imperialist regime, enabling the Cuban Communist Party and the Cuban Revolution`s decisive victory,” were the words of SPYL spokesperson Neville Itope.

In the three-page message of condolence, Itope briefly outlined Castro’s bravery and determination over a period of four decades “when he withstood the machinations of the USA and its capitalist allies which imposed sanctions against Cuba”.

According to Itope, the western world failed to overthrow the Cuban Revolution under the leadership of ‘El Comandante’ Castro.

“The people of Cuba accepted the ideas of Castro and rallied behind him by rejecting the rich, powerful and capitalist nations of the west from overthrowing their true leader and the Cuban Communist Party,” he said.
It is Itope’s account that Castro helped many progressive leftist revolutionary movements in Africa to successfully fight imperialism and brought independence to many African countries.

“Castro took a bold decision which was overwhelmingly supported by the Cuban people to send Cuban troops to Cuito Caunavale resulting in a resounding victory and final defeat of the apartheid racist regime of South Africa.”
This, he noted, led to the independence of Namibia and the birth of a democratic and non-racial South Africa.
“With his support to Swapo and all the progressive liberation movements Castro has contributed to world peace and the common good of humanity.”

“After the attainment of our independence, Cuba maintained a solid and strong bilateral relationship with the Swapo-led government and the Namibian people to help develop the Namibian nation.”

He continued: “Twenty-six years after the attainment of our genuine freedom and independence, we are still receiving Cuban scholarships, doctors and developmental assistance.”

Zooming into Castro’s domestic policies as a leader, Itope indicated that he ensured the maintenance of quality education and health care for all Cubans.

For this, Cuba today stands tall among the communities of nations as a progressive nation, Itope framed his argument.

“In the spirit of protecting the Cuban Revolution, Castro strengthened the ideological understanding of the young people in Cuba and built a strong sense of patriotism.”

“Many Cuban young people qualify for the Olympic Games in different sports codes and perform competitively at those platforms irrespective of few resources.”

In a sombre line of words, Itope added that although he is no more, ideas coined by ‘El Comandante’ will continue to inspire millions of youth around the world to fight for their dignity and social justice.

“His death is a shock to all of us but it will keep the socialism spirit burning for many years. The Young Communist League of Cuba will emulate his legacy and strengthen his ideas of social justice and protect the hard won Cuban Revolution.”

This message was also conveyed to the Young Communist League of Cuba apart from other recipients.