Indonesian ambassador explores resources

Home Business Indonesian ambassador explores resources

Mariental – The technical cooperation agreement between Namibia and Indonesia calls for further exploration of resources and cooperation opportunities.

Speaking to New Era during a courtesy visit to the Governor of Hardap Region, Indonesia Ambassador Eddy Basuki said the purpose of his visit was to explore investment opportunities and resources to give effect to the technical agreement between the two countries.

“We need to expand people-to-people contact as well,” Ambassador Basuki said.

The ambassador, who included in his delegation members of the Indonesian Ladies Association (ILA), said the agreement covers areas such as human resource capacity building, agriculture, aquaculture and scholarships.

Basuki also paid a courtesy visit to Mariental Mayor Billy Mensah to hand over a donation of foodstuffs. “I came to extend a hand of friendship and to say I have responded positively to your request,” Ambassador Basuki said before handing over the donation on behalf of members of the Indonesia Ladies Association, who attended the occasion.

Basuki, who has been in the country for just over five months, said he is deeply touched by the worst drought the country has experience in decades. “At least your lawns are green, as opposed to the capital,” he quipped.

On his part the mayor welcomed the gesture and expressed the wish that the visit will cement ties between the town’s residents and the Indonesian people. “We will explore opportunities for a twining agreement through the embassy” Mensah said.

He aid the foodstuff is meant for the annual mayoral Christmas party for the elderly.

The Indonesian Ladies Association also handed over a donation of foodstuffs to the town’s Old Age home, which houses formerly advantaged citizens. Speaking at the handover, ILA chairperson Komalasari Basuki said the donation was made at the request of the town’s mayor and expressed her delight to be able to support the Christmas programme.

The mayoral Christmas party for the elderly is hosted in December every year and the elders are usually treated to a meal and some groceries to take home on the day.

The Indonesian ambassador and his delegation also visited the //Karas Region on Wednesday, where they paid a courtesy visit to Governor Lucia Basson.