Black Widow aims to claim her throne

Home Lifestyle Black Widow aims to claim her throne

Local female rappers should be ready to step up their game or risk being left trailing in the dust of the re-emergence of lyrically talented Black Widow.

Real name Bella Harris, Black Widow announced herself with a debut album, christened King Bella, making a major entrance by the jugular, no pun intended.

It’s no secret that Harris has a distinct voice, though similar to that of American rapper LoLa Monroe and a number of other successful rap artists.

She has proven over years that she has all the tools to break into the mainstream by pressing forward in her own lane and sound, with soothing vocals and hard-core lyrics.

According to Bella the King Bella album is a basic walk through a day in her life and a glimpse of who she is.

“I claim king because everybody who knows me knows that I am fit enough to sit on a king’s throne,” she said.

Harris said although she has been absent from the music scene, her album shares light on her motives.

“I always wanted to drop an album but from my understanding of the business I was not ready. I was not willing to put out singles and then let them die out due to lack of funds. It was not easy and I would have given up but the passion kept me driven,” she said.

“I was in a different atmosphere. I needed to find myself and my sound again. I was reminded of what hip hop is to me. I grew up on kwaito and hip hop music is a lifestyle. I’ve been on a lockdown and I’m now ready to share with the world,” said Harris.

Harris has dropped a few singles on her soon to launch debut album which has been well received by fans and critics alike.

Her very engaging release has kept hungry fans waiting and even though it took her years to unveil her album, Harris said the wait has been fully worth it.

Fans and listeners will be captivated by her jaw-dropping rap lines on which she features Lioness, Snazzy, JBlack, Kanibal and Ray, amongst other artists, who complete her album and make it a must listen masterpiece.

She will launch her album at Executive Lounge on November 5 at 18h00, featuring an all-female cast with the likes of Lioness, Snazzy, Ghetto Ballerina, Odile the Poet, JazzMean and many others.

The female MC has worked on a couple of mixtapes that were distributed online, mostly freestyles, through which music lovers got acquainted with her rap skills and which gained popularity through social networks and the media.

The Black Widow has been seen performing at major shows and events across the country.

She recently just dropped her first music video titled ‘Buck Wild’ which is part of her latest album ‘King Bella’.
Her beat selection is unique, old-fashioned, and something the game needs. There’s a certain bounce to her songs that’ll help her stand out from the rest of the pack.