
Minister Ekandjo, a wet blanket

Home Opinions Minister Ekandjo, a wet blanket

Sport, and football in particular, is and will remain an irreplaceable part of our society, cultural diversity, and of course our bodies and soul.

The game of football’s brilliant and somehow painful history will continue to be both an obligation and promise for future generations to come.

Needless to say that it’s incumbent upon all of society, including our esteemed men in blue suits occupying seats in Parliament, to protect it against becoming a much sought-after delicacy for stray dogs.

Yours truly was under the impression that it is the sole duty and responsibility of our elected leaders to provide a strong response to the current financial woes in which the country’s flagship league, the Namibia Premier League (NPL), is entangled.

Without beating about the bush, I must honestly confess that I was seriously baffled by the portfolio Minister’s attempt to downplay the importance of football when responding to a legitimate question about the ministry’s position on the dilemma.

The honourable Minister raised a few eyebrows when he shot back that his ministry does not have the required funds, while conveniently or rather ignorantly choosing to pass the buck. Minister Jerry Ekandjo did very little to attract sympathy, let alone respect.

The lawmaker, who at some stage of his political career was on the verge of becoming the president of our beloved Land of the Brave, was miles offside with his sluggishly thought out suggestion that the Namibia Sports Commission, a subsidiary of his ministry, should go cap in hand and ask for a loan from the finance ministry.

With all due respect, since when does the Ministry of Finance dish out loans to needy organizations? I’m just asking.
Dear readers, there is a word which yours truly is almost afraid to mention, lest as a journalist I should lose my character as a practical statesman.

Foolishness, anger and ignorance are the biggest enemies of mankind.
Seriously, a senior member of our esteemed Cabinet’s half-hearted interest in a matter of public interest, while still pleading ignorance on the plight of athletes, should be outrightly condemned with the contempt it deserves.

Even if it were possible for the finance ministry to advance money to the National Sports Commission as advocated by the honourable Minister, for heaven’s sake – how are they going to repay the loan since they are a non- profit organization whose primary mandate is to oversee the running of sport in the country? I’m just asking.

Head of State’s silence a serious cause for concern

Do I need to remind anybody with a decent amount of grey substance tucked between their ears that the current situation in domestic football requires the divine intervention from the highest authority, in this case, the Namibian Head of State.

Firstly, as the designated patron of the Namibian Football Association (NFA) one would have expected the number one citizen, President Hage Geingob, to flex his muscles and summon those controlling the purse strings to a round- table discussion as to how the corporate world could assist football.

It’s a now well-documented secret that the President is doubtlessly the most popular politician in our midst, given the astonishing number of votes he garnered during the presidential elections.

Yours truly is damn sure many of you would scorn to own me in a lie if I dare say his popularity derived from his hands-on involvement and unquenchable thirst for the beautiful game of football.

Any investment in any kind of relationship must be reciprocated – surely the beautiful game of football played her part in elevating the Head of State to greater heights! I rest my case.