Tribute to the late Hidipo Hamutenya

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The 6th October 2016 has left Namibians in deep anguish following the death of Hidipo Hamutenya (aka HH), a public figure who served the nation selflessly and diligently for most of his life.

As the Namibian nation mourns the passing of HH, people from all walks of life remember and celebrate the immense contributions he had made both in pre- and post-independent Namibia. HH was a Swapo cadre, educated and groomed by the party. No doubt he served the Namibian public with distinction. He gave everything he had – not for glory, but for a better Namibia.

For most parts of his political career, Hidipo Hamutenya was a high profile leader and although he is no more, his footprints remain visible.

The meaningful role HH played and the immense contributions he made to the Namibian nation and state, are being acknowledged by progressive forces. He was one of the founding father of Namibian democracy and drafters of the constitution. He leaves a legacy worth celebrating and emulating, particularly his selfless contributions to a better Namibia.

Modern Namibian society has reason to pride itself for having produced capable leaders the caliber of Hidipo Hamutenya. He worked tirelessly towards the creation of an economically prospering and progressive Namibia.
There is no way to talk meaningfully about Namibia’s history, liberation narrative and its journey to democracy without mentioning the name Hidipo Hamutenya. His footprints remain deeply embedded in the struggle for Namibian independence and economic prosperity.

HH pursued a goal that was central to the wellbeing of Namibia’s democracy. He was affable and had a great sense of humour. He was a good man. HH was calm, and talked objectively about the challenges facing the country and sought sustainable solutions. Through his intellect enriched the lives of countless individuals.
Simply put, HH was a brave son of the soil, who belonged to all Namibians.

As a fitting tribute he is best described as:
• The liberation struggle icon
• The national hero
• The stalwart
• The petitioner to the United Nations for Namibia Independence
• The fighter for justice for all and socio-economic progress
• The top international diplomat
• The skillful negotiator
• The catalyst for fundamental change
• The tactician
• The academic of substance
• The analytical thinker
• The man of high intellect
• The political scientist
• The planner
• The master writer
• The generator of ideas
• The visionary
• The strategist
• The inspirer
• The motivator
• The professional
• The mentor
• The role model
• The good listener
• The idealist leader, who focused mainly on issue-based politics
• The proponent of sustainable development
• The son of the soil
• The loving human being and God-fearing individual

* Fluksman Samuehl is a student of international relations and a member of parliament between 1999 and 2004.