Cook, eat and enjoy Moroccan dishes

Home Time Out Cook, eat and enjoy Moroccan dishes


Whether you are a foodie, cuisine fanatic or simple one who loves to explore nourishment, Silver Spoon Hospitality Academy (SSHA) is probably one of those places you can’t pass by.

SSHA hosts casual cooking classes twice a month with each class based on a theme or type of cuisine.  The academy provides the venue, the atmosphere, the recipes, the expertise and the ingredients for different classes. In this regard the next adventure is next Thursday focusing on Moroccan cuisines. This is one of their fun and interesting courses to extend skills and expand the repertoire of recipes.

The Moroccan class will feature classic dishes featuring traditional ingredients such as Cumin, dried fruits, mint, honey and couscous, giving participants an opportunity to experience dishes that they may never have tried.

As might be known, Moroccan cuisines are acknowledged the world over for their unique and authentic touches combining both traditional and contemporary elements. Moroccan cuisines feature diverse flavours, owing to centuries of interaction with other cultures and nations. It was subject to Berber, Moorish, Mediterranean and Arab influences until it achieved refinements in Moroccan kitchens over the centuries, and developed into what today is considered authentic Moroccan cuisines.

The Art of Moroccan Cooking presents an overview of Moroccan cuisines, its history, development and the diversity of elements. A centuries-old penchant for Persian sweet-and-sour cooking styles still persists, and ingredients like saffron, nuts, pickled lemons, and pomegranates are staples of the Moroccan larder. These Arabic foods and Spanish culinary hallmarks, such as olives, olive oils, herbs, peppers, and salt, were introduced to Moroccan cooks in the 15th century, when the Spanish Inquisition drove Spanish Muslims and Jews to Morocco.

Terry Jenkinson from the SSHA, says one constant in Moroccan food is it’s delicious vegetarian fare, as well as their use of winter produce, nuts, chickpeas, lentils, and couscous to deliver authentic tastes with ingredients you’ll find in local supermarkets.

Having offered classes in Italian, Greek, Irish, Banting, Comfort Food and Sushi, these classes are to introduce participants to a wide variety of flavours and to explore different tastes and aspects of the various themes.  “The response and participation in the classes is of a high level. we can accommodate 12 participants per class and our classes are regularly fully booked well in advance.”

“The meaning of Cook, Eat and Enjoy is that for one evening one can participate in a cookery class, eat the dishes prepared by the participants and everyone gets to enjoy a relaxed evening meeting new friends, learning new dishes and havening an entertaining evening,” entices Jenkinson.

Silver Spoon has in the past offered a private cooking class to a group of German tourists featuring Namibian produce such as Game meat, Mahangu, Wild Spinach, Caprivi Beans, horse mackerel, mopane leaves and Kalahari truffles that was received in a very positive manner by the tourists who participated.

As an Academy Training Chefs and Hospitality Management, they strive to not only provide the training and skills the trainees need to integrate professionally within the Industry, but also tries to enlighten them about the diverse Namibian natural ingredients and how to incorporate those ingredients into modern dishes, yet keeping the integrity of the ingredients.

Participation fee is N$550 per person including all ingredients, three glasses of wine or beer and water. Follow for more information.