A national debacle requiring comprehensive remedy

Home Sports A national debacle requiring comprehensive remedy

The process of any final review is to make cocksure that a particular assignment has been done satisfactorily or a process has been taken to its logically correct conclusion.

As a result of their relatively limited expertise, punctuated by a certain measure of arrogance and greed, our football officials often find it extremely difficult to apply this rule in a systematic fashion.

Whenever blokes are elected into positions of authority – obviously there are certain set requirements and obligations attached to their designated assignments, but alas what’s wrong with those entrusted to steer the ship into the paradise of Canaan, the land of milk and honey?

It’s a massive shame that Namibians would not be able to enjoy and watch their favourite pastime, the beautiful game of football, simply because certain individuals messed up big time.

Seriously, without beating about the bush, the buck stops with those men in blue suits at the helm of our football, or else how does one explain a commercially stable country such as Namibia not having a football league running ostensibly due to insufficient funding.

We must learn to alert our leaders about the core functions of their togetherness and hold them accountable for any mishaps, period! It’s a shame that our football has inadvertently come to a virtual standstill just because of certain individuals’ gross incompetence or rather inability to think wisely and apply what logic suggests.

Football has become a much sought-after commodity globally whilst it has also proved to be a major source of income for those physically involved in the business of chasing an inflated piece of pigskin – here yours truly is referring to the real McCoys of the beautiful game, footballers.

In all honesty, if a corporate company is not doing financially well, recording massive losses, the head of the institution is solely held accountable and rightly so he or she must face the consequences.

What really pains yours truly to the core is the reluctance or rather tortoise-pace approach by the clubs to remove leaders from office: they should already have tabled a motion of no confidence.

Even in the event of league activities starting in February as promised by the country’s flagship league, the damage has already been done and heads must roll without further delay.

Well, yours truly is not cocksure whether many people realize the psychological effects these ongoing shenanigans have on the poor footballers whose livelihoods entirely depend on football.

The affected players have families to look after, rent to pay and bills to settle and if the current status quo remains – we can brace ourselves for a bigger catastrophe.

Is it perhaps not time for all stakeholders to swallow their pride, take a holistic look at this precarious situation and come up with tangible solutions? I rest my case.