
No consultant will ever run the MPE – Jooste

Home Business No consultant will ever run the MPE – Jooste


Lambasting a recent report in The Namibian newspaper, entitled ‘Consultant to run SOE Ministry’, the Minister of Public Enterprises, Leon Jooste, reacted: “No consultant will ever run the Ministry of Public Enterprises (MPE) and we take strong offence and exception to this unsubstantiated allegation.”

During a media briefing in the capital on Friday, Jooste said that consultants being sought by his ministry will be normal consultants to carry out required research, and “they will leave the ministry to be run by those that have been appointed to do so”.

No consultant will have an executive role to perform, but they will be tasked to make recommendations based on facts collected during their research-based work. “The consultants will work with the MPE to formulate a strategic plan, which will ultimately translate into the permanent structure of the ministry. A formal part of this structure will be the Corporate Advisory Reform Unit (CARU),” explained Jooste.

He said he has a definite preference for a small, highly specialized ministry that employs a small group of top professionals. In this regard the structure of the MPE will make provision for normal directorates to enable the ministry to perform normal administrative functions, as well as the CARU that will consist of a small team of highly skilled individuals.

“The ultimate composition of this unit (CARU) will of course be revealed during the strategic planning process but I do not foresee the appointment of more than three to five people in the unit. It is therefore important to make a distinction between consultants and the expected long-term existence of the Corporate Advisory Reform Unit. CARU will continue as a permanent component of the ministry after the consultants have left,” said Jooste.

The ministry will work directly with the appointed consultants on a day-to-day basis, he said, adding that his ministry has in fact already identified a dedicated civil servant who will coordinate the work of consultants.
Jooste categorically dismissed any insinuations that he and his deputy minister, Engel Nawatiseb, are not in control of the MPE and that they want to delegate the running of the ministry to consultants.