
Archers hit target at Berg Op School

Home Special Focus Archers hit target at Berg Op School


The past weekend was not only for carnival, but Berg Op School from Okahandja hosted a NASP competition that attracted 58 archers from all over the country.

The carnival atmosphere was great but after the first warm-up round the nervousness of the archers was quite visible. As for 16 of the 58 archers it was their last competition before leaving for Nashville, Tennessee early today to participate in the NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) championships.

After a very long day with weather ranging from freezing cold to searing hot, Lüderitz-A (Crystal de Beer, Bendré Bothma, Camilla Mackenzie, Adriaan Bothma) were crowned overall winners.

AB van Wyk of farm Katjapia sponsored an amazing prize of hunting a warthog (with bow) to the archer with the highest overall score.

The prize was won by Lukas Els, who will be accompanied by PA Christiaan Bean on his hunt.

“Congratulations to each and every archer who participated at the Berg Op shoot, and thank you to each and everyone who made this day possible,” said the event organisers in their end-of-day message.