Student injured in pit bull attack

Home National Student injured in pit bull attack


A second-year University of Namibia (Unam) student in applied biochemistry sustained deep gashes in yet another pit bull terrier attack in the capital.

Narrating her ordeal to New Era yesterday, Manga Netha (22) said the mauling occurred last Thursday after she had just alighted from a taxi that had dropped her off from town in a street in Pionierspark.

The distraught student said that while walking towards her home in Richter Street, a man electronically opened the gate to his house to go inside. However, as he opened the gate the vicious dog charged at her on the opposite side of the road.

“It was pushing me with its head but I held tight onto a pole to prevent myself from being pulled to the ground. The owner came out running and pulled and pushed it off me. I was seriously injured on my right thigh and left calf. I am lucky to be alive,” she said.

The incident happened around 17h15, she said.

She said the owners of the dog took her to a private doctor who treated her injuries.

She was in a lot of pain and while she and her family were laying a charge against the dog owner at Klein Kuppe police station her wounds started bleeding again.

“My mom took me to the Roman Catholic hospital but no doctor was available to help me. So we went to a clinic opposite NamPower where a nurse redressed my wounds and the bleeding stopped. Ever since I have been in pain and have even missed classes,” she added.

Her fuming mother Charity Tuwelo called on government to “seriously act” by imposing heavy levies on owners who keep dangerous dogs as pets.

“I want pit bulls to be banned. They are very aggressive and dangerous to society. We are not safe in our neighbourhoods,” she stressed.

Last month the nation was left reeling in shock after two pit bull terriers fatally mauled 13-year-old Fred Savage in Otjomuise. New Era yesterday quoted Attorney General Sacky Shanghala as saying there is no need for new legislation to enhance dog control in the country, but that laws and regulations relating to the ownership of dangerous dogs must be strictly enforced and adhered to.

Police spokesperson Inspector Slogan Matheus yesterday confirmed the latest incident, saying a case has been opened against the dog owner.

He however said the dog had not yet been seized but investigations into the incident are in full swing.