
Police chief concerned about Namibians fighting for ISIS

Home Crime and Courts Police chief concerned about Namibians fighting for ISIS


The Inspector General of the Namibian police Sebastian Ndeitunga has expressed concern over foreigners –including Namibians – being recruited to fight for ISIS, the highly dangerous Jihadist group.

New Era learned there were two cases in which two ISIS fighters were identified as Namibians.
“Nations need to sensitise their citizens to refrain from joining dead wars,” the police chief said.

Ndeitunga said family members should report to the police or immigration officials if their loved ones are missing, and to pass such information to Interpol. He further urged schools and universities to be vigilant, as young people as old as 14 years old are being radicalised with extravagant promises.

He said foreign terrorist fighters are a challenge faced by global law enforcement agents.
Ndeitunga was speaking exclusively to New Era recently on decisions taken by Interpol’s Executive Committee during their meeting in Lyon, France that took place from June 10 -12.

He warned that it was forbidden for Namibians to join foreign wars, as it may constitute mercenariness.
The Namibian Sun previously reported that former apartheid soldiers, including Namibians, are among mercenaries that are active in global conflict zones such as Iraq, Nigeria and Syria.