
Pensioner in court for Mandrax

Home Crime and Courts Pensioner in court for Mandrax


A 67-year-old woman on Tuesday appeared before magistrate Hellena Nepembe for possession of Mandrax tablets with a street value of N$455.

Joyce Mjila a South African national was in court for dealing in dangerous, dependence producing drugs. She chose to apply for her own lawyer.

She was granted bail of N$1 500 and her case was postponed to November 11. The drugs seized by the police are being kept as court exhibits.

In the same court two men, Vivian Meyer, 25, and Ivor Meinjies, 25, appeared on a drug-related charge for allegedly dealing in cannabis worth N$4 500. Both accused chose to conduct their own defence and the case was remanded to July 30 for plea.

Meyer was granted bail of N$1 000, while his co-accused remained in custody because of a pending case for which he made his appearance the same day, in which he is charged with dealing in the same drug in a separate incident, valued at N$765. Gareth Visagie and Johannes Westhuizen aged 34 and 54 respectively also made their first court appearance in the Keetmanshoop Magistrate’s Court facing charges of dealing in cocaine worth N$500.

The two accused chose to apply for private lawyers and the case was remanded to July 15 for the presence of their lawyers. Both remain in custody.

In another cannabis case, 39-year-old resident of Koës Eric Freeman pleaded guilty to a charge of drug possession and was convicted and sentenced to a fine of N$300 or one month in jail for possession of cannabis valued at N$5.
In all the cases Yvanne Mcleod prosecuted.