
Biting cold sees temperatures plummeting

Home National Biting cold sees temperatures plummeting

Since the beginning of June, Namibians have bundled themselves up in winter clothing as protection against freezing temperatures. Temperatures in Rehoboth yesterday dropped to below six degrees, making it exceptionally cold.  Elias Hamutenya, left, Duncan David, middle, and Frans Hilongua had to halt their building work to warm up at an open fireplace. They drank some hot coffee to keep warm. Temperature readings yesterday indicated Aus, Aroab, Karasburg, Okahao, Ondangwa, Rehoboth and Maltahöhe had minimum temperatures of minus seven degrees Celsius, but residents said it was much colder considering the wind chill factor. The weather bureau forecasts partly cloudy and cold to mild conditions over the // Kharas Region, with frost setting in at Helmeringhausen and Aus.