
National power crisis averted

Home National National power crisis averted


After uncertainty regarding the power supply in the country including threats of load shredding by the power utility-NamPower, consumers and industries alike can breathe a sigh of relief as the 80MW power supply from Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) from Zimbabwe to Namibia has been finally restored.

At the Mining Expo last month, NamwPower managing director, Paulinus Shilamba warned that load shredding was eminent sending panic among consumers.

At the time, NamPower had said the power supply situation remained constrained due to a technical fault on one of the region’s transmission lines which has impacted on the 80MW power supply that NamPower receives from ZESA.

However, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Obeth Kandjoze yesterday said the  ministry in consultation the Namibian utility NamPower wish to inform the nation that the 400kV transmission line in Zimbabwe that was reported to be out of service due to a technical fault has now been repaired and is back in service.

The line, he said wheels that 80MW power supply as per the impact agreement with the ZESA from Zimbabwe via Botswana to Namibia.

“Although the power supply situation has stabilized due to the restoration of the line from ZESA, the Ministry of Mines and Energy wishes to underscore the continuous usage of electricity sparingly. We are now in winter and during these winter months, the usage of electricity traditionally goes up, putting additional strain on available power supply,” Kandjoze appealed.

The Minister further urged the nation to exercise electricity saving measures while the ministry and Nampower continues to work on fast tracking various short-term critical supply initiatives to supplement local generation capacity.

He advised that such saving measures include switching off air-conditioners, geysers and swimming pool pumps and all other non-essential appliances during peak hours, which is six to nine in the morning and evening to reduce demand.