
Cancer campaign to honour Chi-Chi

Home National Cancer campaign to honour Chi-Chi


“young people against cancer” campaign will be launched soon in memory of the late prominent media personality, Nancy Muinjo, who succumbed to the disease after a long battle.

Muinjo who was affectionately known as Chi-Chi died at the age of 29 just a few days after her birthday.

She used her pain with the disease to inspire people from all walks of life and is revered by some as a hero for doing so.

In an interview with New Era this week, breast cancer survivor, Emma Kambangula who founded the cancer club of Namibia in 2002 said the campaign would involve young people to reach out to other young people with the message of cancer.

Kambangula shared the idea of having a movement that would ensure that Muinjo’s legacy lives on at the Muinjo residence last Friday, where she called on interested young people to contact her for more information.

“The youth make the greater part of the population,” Kambangula told New Era, motivating why young people should be involved in the fight against cancer.  Kambangula worked closely with Muinjo who bought into the idea of having a campaign that goes all out to give information to the people in order to save their lives.

“She (Muinjo) touched so many people through the work that she did. She had a different mission on this earth, she never showed signs of pain. We have to let her legacy live on,” said Kambangula. 

She said the campaign will be affiliated to the Cancer Club of Namibia.

The manager of the late Muinjo, Thomas Iitula, says the campaign is a good idea as Muinjo always advocated for that.

“It will benefit people going through the same situation,” said Iitula.

However, the campaign will be spearheaded by the youth who will also be responsible for the naming of the campaign as soon as a date has been announced. The youth will be responsible for amongst others advocate for the importance of early detection, knowing one’s body and caring for those who have cancer.

In Namibia, she noted cancer is being diagnosed late in most people, especially the black community, thus contributing to the high number of cancer deaths.

“Cancer is detected late in most black people,” she stressed, adding that people do not always seek medical attention when they notice what looks like not serious problems.

“Only when the person’s condition becomes worse do they go to the doctor and in most cases it’s already too late,” remarked Kambangula.

She further said the food people and the environment contribute to the chances of people getting cancer, “especially the junk food because today’s things are full of chemicals.”

“A potato from 60 years ago cannot be compared to a potato of today. In our days people ate very healthy food,” she said.