Okakarara yearning for basic services

Home National Okakarara yearning for basic services

By Magreth Nunuhe

WINDHOEK – Okakarara Constituency Councillor, Vetaruhe Kandorozu, says that while some successes have been recorded in the area, many challenges still persist – such as the need to provide adequate shelter, food, education, water, electricity, health care, better roads and other public services.

Kandorozu made this remark in his 2014 annual report, where he pointed out “the need to strengthen our economy to attract more investors and to grow steadily in order to create more jobs”. He unveiled plans for 2015, which include upgrading the main street of Okakarara town, removing underground lines and removing overhead lines, electrifying low-income areas, installing new streetlights, upgrading network and setting up a solar plant.

Further to that, Kandorozu also identified places where earth dams will be rehabilitated, small pipelines will be constructed and villages where toilet facilities will be built.

When it comes to road construction, he said that proclamation of Taklyn roads has been submitted to be upgraded from earth roads to district roads, while upgrading Okatjoruu and Otjivanda roads to bitumen standard has been submitted to the Roads Authority board. The Okakarara Constituency Councillor said that the Omatanga/Omaihi bridge has been approved for construction.

“Now we are planning for construction of culverts at the Otjase-Otuvingo road and at Okauha and Okaruuokape. He noted that the Okondjatu-Okakarara road has been approved to be upgraded to bitumen standard and the plans have been handed over to a consultant for planning, design and costing. The Okahandja-Otjozondu-Okondjatu road, has also been approved for upgrading to bitumen standard.

“It is herewith that we are calling on the Roads Authority to investigate and speed up the approved developments. The road from Okakarara to Coblenz, to Okatjoruu, needs to be gravelled. Therefore, we are requesting the road board members to make this road a priority for the financial year,” he continued to say.

Furthermore, he said that the hazardous bridge between Grootfontein and Ongongoro has been approved for construction and fitting in of culverts to facilitate the flow of water.

On the health front, he said that the Okakarara constituency has six clinics and one district hospital, which has been renovated although plans are still under way to renovate the kitchen and laundry facilities. According to Kandorozu, plans for the upgrade of Okondjatu Clinic into a health centre have been approved, however, the project is currently on hold due to failure by the contractor to complete it.

“We are waiting for the Tender Board and the Ministry of Health and Social Services to advertise and allocate the tender to a new and serious contractor,” he added, saying that they have also appointed 30 young community health extension workers in the Okakarara constituency working from villages. He said that the Otjikango-Tjozongarangombe health post has also been approved for construction.

Further to that, a portion of the Okakarara constituency has been electrified under the rural electrification scheme, but according to him, the budget for the project is too little.

“This year we will electrify Okarundu clinic and the entire village as per radius in our constituency,” he said, adding that tenders have been advertised and they are waiting for appointment of constructors.

Kandorozu said that plans for the construction of a library for the Okakarara constituency which has eight schools in total is still on the cards. The councilor moaned about the poor performance of Grade 10 learners, especially at Okakarara Secondary School, Waterberg Junior Secondary School and Okondjatu Combined School.

“Even [though] this year (2014), they show some slight improvements, but we totally do not condone any performance below 50 percent pass rate. We will recommend for change of management at schools with the Public Service Commission via The Ministry of Education,” he lashed out.