
Caroline’s video expected soon

Home Time Out Caroline’s video expected soon

WINDHOEK-She started her gospel music career as a lead singer for the Voice of God Choir back in 2008.

But Caroline Mukanwa, or simply Caroline, followed her solo career and recorded her first solo album in 2012 that got her an award for best Gospel at the Namibia Annual Music Awards (NAMAS).  As part of her career path as a gospel singer, Caroline recoded a song titled Hope on the Move as a theme song on the cancer project for the First Lady Madam Penehupifo Pohamba to encourage Cancer patients in Namibia.   She also hosted a gospel show that brought Namibian gospel artists together in April 2014 in an attempt to address Gender Based Violence in Namibia, when she invited South African gospel singer Dumi as a guest.

Following her second album, which was released last year, her third album hit the shelves last month titled Jesus shine on me, featuring talented Gospel singer and guitarist, Lusanda Mcinga, and back singer, Buhle Nhlangulela from South Africa. The 14-track-album was produced by Mxolisi Mhalongo and mastered by Hamilton Kubashe of South Africa. “I featured only artists from South Africa because the whole project was done there,” says Caroline. As finishing touch to her project, Caroline shot her music video last Friday at the TBN offices in Windhoek which she says was a great success.  “The video is for the main song Jesus shine on me and it will be out soon.  When I recorded the song I was very emotional because of a friend who was admitted in ICU at the time.  Every time I listen to the song it touches my heart, it is a very emotional song to me,” Caroline says.

The Lord’s dynasty is also another song on the album that is very emotional.  My niece came up with the melody and she gave it to me to record it.  It talks about the kingdom of God where it is full of love and healing,” she adds. The Gospel singer describes the album as a very inspirational as she incorporated different songs which convey inspiring messages that connects one with God.  “I sing Gospel, I believe I am a preacher who conveys spiritual healing messages through Gospel music.  Gospel music is not for fame, Gospel is for healing and salvation.”

By Hilma Ndapandula Himotha