John Cena’s sport to hit our shores and NPL woes continue

Home Sports John Cena’s sport to hit our shores and NPL woes continue

Each and every time yours truly presses the navigating button on the Multi Choice DTSV decoder and accidentally lands on the Extreme Sports Challenge ECP channel, chills run up and down my spine.

For some reasons, yours truly cannot digest that this should be classified as sport and was actually shocked to the core to learn that this barbaric act has now suddenly spiraled down to our shores.

What really leaves yours truly more puzzled is our National Sports Commission’s (NSC) decision to give this new … the green light to introduce that brutal act right here on our doorsteps under the guise of sport.

To demonstrate that the case in question is not unique, NSC will obviously spring to her own defense and seek refuge in the companions in guilt move fallacy.

That amounts to pointing that if yours truly is against this cruel activity, one will have to be brave enough and bite the bullet by accepting that further cases must also be treated in the same fashion.

Or else I should explain what is about this present case that makes it different from other sports codes, which appear to share relevant features, professional boxing a case in question.

Well ! I’m certain many of you would scorn to own me in a lie if I bluntly put it that professional boxing should also be considered in the same vein since it often results in horrific injuries or worse still, deaths but alas, what about motor racing, karate, rugby, parachutes, powerboat racing and cricket? I’m just asking.

In that respect, NSC will be excused and rightly so, if it strings together a couple of arguments that the abovementioned sporting disciplines are in guilt with EPC, or else show how they are relatively different from EPC.

Fair enough, both boxing and EPC are one very few sports in which actual physical damage to your opponent is amongst the principal aims, VAKUETU!.
Let us not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

Did I hear some murmurs of discontent amongst disgruntled local rugby followers ready to start with their poisonous pens to ink down obituaries before a single oval is chased ahead of our national team’s participation in the IRB World Cup in England next year?.

Of course, we are all a bit disappointed that the Welwitschias came back empty-handed without a victory from their three match European safari losing all three matches against Canada, French Barbarians and Portugal by reasonable close margins in rugby terms.

Yours truly supposed the tour was a teaser for the team’s World Cup preparations and would like to urge all patriotic Namibians to rally behind the Welwitschias and would also like to applaud the NRU hierarchy for persuading SARU to include our World Cup bound rugby team to make its long overdue return to the South African Provincial Competition.

I’m seriously getting gatvol flogging the Namibia Premier League on every turn but alas, what am I to do if things continues in the same vein at Football House. If its not the usual eleventh hour adjustments to league fixtures – the NPL hierarchy just never cease to amaze yours truly.

Jokes aside, while yours truly would have no qualms about the appointment of Cassius Moetie as NPL Head of Marketing and Public Relations – one would expect the country’s flagship league to announce the appointment through proper channels via a press briefing where the brother’s terms of reference were to be outlined. I rest my case.