ECN diffuses pay dispute of polling officers

Home Elections ECN diffuses pay dispute of polling officers

EENHANA – The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) in Ohangwena Region has settled the issue of polling officials who threatened Tuesday not to sign their short-term employment contracts if ECN did not increase their training day allowances from N$100 to N$200 per day.

According to the ECN regional election coordinator Tangeni Haiduwa, on Tuesday the ECN advised the polling officials to follow the proper procedures of registering their grievances if they were not happy with the offer.

Haiduwa said on Wednesday all the polling officials were ready to sign their contracts so that they are ready to execute their national duties on Friday.

“Our polling officials are 100 percent ready since they have already signed the attendance list. We will make sure that every eligible voter will cast their votes on Friday,” Haiduwa assured voters that were concerned about the dispute.

ECN polling officials at Ohangwena and in the Zambezi threatened not to sign a contract, demanding that the commission increase their training day allowance.

The officials circulated messages since Monday threatening to boycott polling day if the ECN did not increase their training allowance.

Haiduwa said the officials were ready to sign their contracts today after the ECN advised them not to do what the circulating messages demand and rather to use proper procedures to register their grievances.

Ohangwena has 1 400 polling officials to man 223 polling points.

Haiduwa said logistically the region is prepared and that all the sensitive and non-sensitive election material was already in the region under police guard.

Haiduwa called on the public and all the 13 320 eligible voters in the region to come as early as possible to cast their votes on Friday.

By Loide Jason