
Miss Jesus Centre to be crowned

Home Time Out Miss Jesus Centre to be crowned

WINDHOEK-The Greater love Ministries (Jesus Centre) is crowning its beauty queen tonight at Jesus Centre in Okuryangava, Katutura.

Pageant organiser, Nangy Hakandonga, says this pageant aims to allow and gives the young people an opportunity to show off their God-given talents or gift through modelling.  She adds that the Miss Jesus Centre, unlike any other pageantry is a character pageantry rooted on the principals of the Bible and pays more attention to the various personalities of the young ladies and teach them how to rejoice and have confidence in their personality that they embody, as well as teaching them to find their true identity and being independent, as young couragous, selfless and virtuous wome of God in the community. “It further teaches young girls to embrace our various traditions and cultures, morals and values as an African woman. Being a virtuous woman of purpose and putting a Godly feminine touch into the world. Miss Jesus Centre looks to empower girls and young women alike that they can be women of purpose and become the impact to their community for transformation,” affirms Hakandonga.

More than ten finalists will be showcasing what they have learned during their three months of training and intensive Bible teaching. Normal tickets for the pageant are N$20 and N$100 for VIPs. Doors open at six O’clock in the evening (18H00).

By Pinehas Nakaziko