Veenani hits back at Geingob

Home National Veenani hits back at Geingob

KATIMA MULILO – DTA president McHenry Veenani hit back at Swapo presidential candidate, Hage Geingob, who poked fun at Venaani’s travelling in a donkey cart as mere cheap political tricks.

Over two weeks ago Geingob had also referred to Venaani’s donkey cart trip as a political trick.

Venaani says even though he was mocked during the Swapo star rally in Katima Mulilo, he cannot reduce his campaigns to petty issues of name calling. “I was insulted by Hage Geingob but I will not involve myself in petty issues. He said because my brother is rich then I must also be rich, but his partner is also rich does that mean he is also rich? Our conduct as leaders should be much bigger. They are doing so because they are seeing that I am a potential threat,” Venaani said.

Veenani noted that Geingob had instead ample time to fight poverty as he has been in government for such a long time.

Venani was addressing hundreds of DTA members and supporters at a star rally in Katima Mulilo on Sunday. According to Veenani no presidential aspirant can match his acumen in tackling poverty. “The poor are getting poorer. No leader, not even Geingob, can come near me when it comes to fighting poverty,” said Venaai.

“He (Geingob) has been in government for such a long time but we still have poverty. If he couldn’t advice on unemployment that has reached such large proportions at over 50 percent what makes you think he would do something now?,” asked Veenani rhetorically at the rally.

Venani laughed off suggestions that Geingob would set up a ministry of poverty reduction saying such a proposal was a farce as a ministry alone cannot reduce poverty but a comprehensive policy that involves everyone.

“We hear that there are plans to set up a ministry responsible for poverty. That is a joke. Poverty is fought with a comprehensive policy. It’s not a ministry that would tackle poverty. Namibia under my leadership would have an anti-poverty policy for the first time. Every ministry has a role to fight poverty,” stated the DTA presidential candidate.

He said the DTA would reduce youth unemployment by giving collateral- free loans to young people with sound business ideas in order to reduce the stringent conditions attached to business loans which are impeding the youth to get involved in economic activities.

“We are going to give loans to young people without asking for collateral. We’re going to create a youth venture capital. This already happening in countries such as South Africa, Kenya and Brazil,” said Veenani.

Venaani further condemned what he claims to be the importation of cheap labour from China, adding that such a situation is robbing Namibians of jobs. “In China they cannot allow you to go and do manual labour. Why is our government allowing this to happen and in the process our own people are losing jobs,” queried Venaani.

He also took issue with government projects he perceives to be misplaced.

“The N$700 million for building of a parliament could alleviate poverty if it’s used to build houses for our people. Even countries with the best economies such as Germany, USA and India are still occupying the same old parliament buildings up to now. And we cannot even compare ourselves with these countries. How does N$700 million on a new parliament give jobs to Namibians?,” asked Venaani.

He promised free plots to the majority poor if elected in power, accusing Swapo town councillors in Katima Mulilo of allocating land to themselves. “We are going to provide plots for free to the majority poor. In Katima every councillor has more than one plot. We must make sure that land in Zambezi belongs to the people of Zambezi not foreigners like is the case now,” he said.

He also lamented the state of health care in the region saying patients are being turned away due to a lack of doctors, and he promised voters the DTA would train local doctors free of charge.

Veenani further criticised the Katima Mulilo Town Council for what he says is its exorbitant water prices even though the river is located nearby.
“Katima has the most expensive water than any other town in the country but the river is just metres away. We will make sure that we provide this resource for free and also harvest rain and flood waters to be reused,” Venaani promised.

He cautioned against tribalism adding that such vices has the potential not only to derail development but lead to a civil war.

“Zambezi is the most tribalistic region. I urge our traditional leaders as custodians of our cultures to work together to end tribalism. I visited Rwanda and Burundi and saw what tribalism can do. The “ism” must end. Let’s promote one country,” he said.

By George Sanzila