RDP woos “disgruntled” ministers

Home National RDP woos “disgruntled” ministers

MAKANGA – Rally for Development and Progress (RDP) leader assigned to the Zambezi Region Kennedy Shekupakela has invited “disgruntled” ministers in the Swapo government to join RDP.

Addressing hundreds of RDP members at Makanga, 60 kilometres west of Katima Mulilo, Shekupakela said RDP has an open-door policy and would welcome anyone into its ranks.

“We know a lot of ministers are not happy and they are burning inside. I am calling out all ministers out there to come and join the RDP. RDP has an open door policy,” said Shekupakela.

According to shekupakela the Swapo led government has done nothing apart from stifling people’s rights to freedom of speech and association. “RDP is for development. Swapo is busy stealing our money but when it comes to development, it has done nothing. It’s threatening people even the media. Where is freedom of speech and association? Where is the NBC now?” asked Shekupakela when he noted the conspicous absence of the NBC news team at the RDP rally.

He accused the Swapo led government of abusing taxpayer’s money adding that it has failed to increase the salaries of some civil servants.
“The Swapo led government is using tax payer’s money. Its failing to increase salaries for nurses and teachers because they are busy stealing. In RDP we will make sure that each civil servant get their benefits and also increase the pension grants to N$2000,” Shekupakela promised voters.
He further made a damning allegation the Swapo party was importing foreigners and registering them as voters. “Swapo is bringing people from Zambia and dressing them in Swapo colours pretending that they have people. In RDP, we’re using our own brothers and sisters to vote. If you vote for Swapo you’re voting for a one party state. Vote for change,” said Shekupakela.

Shakupakela noted that RDP would free high treason suspects and accused Swapo of double standards saying it condemned the imprisonment of Andimba Toivo ya Toivo during the struggle for liberation but continued to ignore the plight of high treason suspects.

“When RDP takes over, the people in prison will be free. Swapo condemned the imprisonment of Ya Toivo but is doing nothing now. That is not a government for the people,” said Shekupakela.

He said RDP would provide accessibility to better services in order to improve the livelihood of the people. “Where is your clinic here? People have to travel to Kongola or Katima to get health care. They have failed. They only come to you during election time. RDP will build you clinics and provide electricity,” Shekupakela told the rally.

He also accused the ruling party of corruption saying Swapo was using tax payer’s money to foot the bill for its campaigns. “Our candidates are using their own vehicles to campaign. Swapo presidential candidate, Hage Geingob is using our tax payers’ money by travelling in three brand new Mercedes Benzes which cost millions,” lamented Shekupakela.

He further noted that RDP would continue to push for the implementation of the basic income grant, which he said was shunned by President Hifikepunye Pohamba.

“We’re fighting for BIG. Each and every Namibian has to benefit. Our president said this will make people lazy, but we’re helping our people. RDP will continue to push for Swapo to do the right thing,” said Shekupakela.

RDP parliament member, Agnes Limbo who also spoke at the rally, showed over 24 cards of new members noting that Swapo was giving a false impression that it was the only party receiving members that are defecting. “We have received over 24 members from Swapo, DTA and CoD. At Malengalenga we registered 100 new members. They must not lie to you. This is the time for change. Pohamba’s daughter and ministers children are the only ones getting millions while you remain in poverty,” said Limbo in reference to the multi-million-dollar housing tender allocated to Kaupumhote Pohamba.

By George Sanzila