Govt to eradicate starvation wages

Home Special Focus Govt to eradicate starvation wages

KATIMA MULILO – The Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Doreen Sioka, says government intends to formulate a uniform minimum wage for all industries to narrow the widening wage gap.

She revealed this during an information sharing meeting with business owners and union representatives in Katima Mulilo last Thursday.
“The minimum wage is not yet set for the retail industry even though we have it for security companies and construction and agricultural industries. In future we hope to have a uniform minimum wage for all industries,” stated Sioka.

Sioka was impressed with the attendance of business owners at the meeting but scolded security companies for their poor attendance.

“I am very happy with the attendance of business people. But we had very poor attendance of security companies yesterday. Only three were present, the rest sent their junior staff. What do I do with junior staff? I told them not to attend,” said an infuriated Sioka.

Sioka noted that a harmonious working relationship is imperative for the benefit of both employers and employees.

“Business people are our partners. They help the government alleviate unemployment. We are here to share some of the challenges so that in future we do not have strikes as these affect our economy. Let’s promote a good working relationship,” Sioka implored.

She noted that apart from reports of unfair labour practices her office continues to be inundated with reports of foreign-owned companies transgressing Namibian laws by instituting their own.

“There are a lot of reports regarding unfair labour practices but we have also received reports that foreign owned business people are using their country’s laws here. This is not allowed. In Namibia we have our own laws which govern us,” warned Sioka.

Sioka was also concerned with starvation wages that lowly skilled workers continue to receive from their employers.

“Some companies in Namibia are paying very low wages. Some pay N$300 monthly. Tell me what do you do with N$300? You have to pay rent and food and take care of your family. That is a daily wage. This type of behaviour should come to an end,” Sioka cautioned the culprits.

The labour minister further noted that workers should equally respect their workplaces and not use unions inappropriately.

“Trade unions should do more. They must educate workers. Workers should be able to know their rights but also not lose focus of their responsibilities as workers. The laws we have do not only protect workers but employers also. You too as employers have the right to sue a worker if they transgress the law,” she stated.

Business owners agreed with Sioka on the need to educate workers on the labour law.